Teacher Tributes
(last updated March 3, 2008

(Send tributes to DVirrill@LBSNYLAW.COM)

Contributors so far:
John Capuano, Amy Farber, Louise Francis Cusak,
Geoff Greene, Vivienne Heston-Demirel, James Katzenstein, Jan Sidebotham
and David Virrill.

Please note:
Some links contain more than one tribute,
so be sure to scroll all the way to the end.

Mr. Charles Aschmann

Jeremiah Richards and the Hillside Dance Classes

French Teachers

Ms. Ruth Barton

Mr. Kevin Ettinger

Ms. Esther Liberman

Mr. Ivor Margerison

Mr. Henry Millet

Mr. Daniel Quinn

Ms. Marge Plant

Mr. Robert Rittner

Mr. Anthony Saverino

Miss Anita Taylor

Mr. Robert Tucker