1. Re: Reunion Date
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
2. Re: Reunion Date
by: Keller Kaufman-Fox <kkaufmanfox@yahoo.com>
by: <bisbeebclub@qwestoffice.net>
4. Re: Reunion Date
by: <jmshillinglaw@aol.com>
5. Re: Reunion Date
by: <Iafrate4@aol.com>
6. Re: Reunion Date
by: Lori Hearon <lhearon@austin.rr.com>
7. Re: Reunion Date
by: Louise Francis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
8. Reunion
by: Steven and Susan Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
9. RE: Reunion Date
by: Amy Farber <farberamy@hotmail.com>
10. RE: Reunion Date
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
11. Re: Reunion Date
by: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
12. Re: Reunion Date
by: Vaughn Greg <dmcquickly@yahoo.com>
13. Very sad news
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
14. Reunion date
by: Alison Marston-Powers <alimasap@gmail.com>
15. Re: Very sad news
by: Salvatore A. Saverino <s.saverino@yahoo.com>
16. A nice tribute to Keith O.
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
17. Keith Olbermann
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
18. Great Movie! Free Screening!
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
19. Hastings Deer
by: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
20. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
21. SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
22. Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
by: Vaughn Greg <dmcquickly@yahoo.com>
23. RE: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
by: Ann Zanette <azanette56@hotmail.com>
24. Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
25. Re: Hastings Deer
by: janegaughran <janegaughran@aol.com>
26. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
27. Re: Hastings Deer
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
28. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Keller Kaufman-Fox <kkaufmanfox@yahoo.com>
29. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Mark Feaster <mfeaster@optonline.net>
30. Re: Hastings Deer
by: <JaneGaughran@aol.com>
31. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Staton Rabin <Cutebunion@aol.com>
32. Re: Hastings Deer
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
33. Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
by: Linda Whitehead <lwhitehead@mgslawyers.com>
34. Re: Columbus homecoming
by: <nan404@optonline.net>
35. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
36. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
37. Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
38. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
39. Re: Hastings Deer
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
40. Re: Hastings Deer
by: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
41. Re: Hastings Deer
by: <gmora@mail.com>
42. Letter from Buck Vandeer
by: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
43. RE: Hastings Deer
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
45. Coming to NY
by: <smb9220@comcast.net>
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
47. List Welcome
by: Hastings Alumni Email Forum <hastings@art-cetera.com>
48. Brian Baker
by: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
50. Re:
by: Mark Lesly <marklesly@verizon.net>
51. Re: Re:
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
52. Re:
by: O'Mara, Karen (US) <Karen.OMara@PoloRalphLauren.com>
53. (no subject)
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
54. Re:
by: <nan404@optonline.net>
55. Re:
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
56. Re:
by: <loretta8891@aol.com>
57. Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House) in
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
58. Re:
by: Jill Pearson <Pearsonj@ArdsleySchools.org>
59. Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old
by: Jill Pearson <Pearsonj@ArdsleySchools.org>
60. West Coast gathering
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
61. Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House) in
by: <jmshillinglaw@aol.com>
62. Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House) in
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
63. Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart
by: Steven and Susan Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
64. Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old
by: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
65. Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House) in
by: <gmora@mail.com>
66. Re: West Coast gathering
by: the tremblay's <tremblayfamily@gmail.com>
67. Half Moon (Chart House), Dobbs, Saturday after 7PM
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
68. New Book and Articles by John Fischer
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
69. Father of James and Thomas Gardner passes away
by: Mark Lesly <marklesly@verizon.net>
70. Martin Gardner passes away
by: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
71. Re: Father of James and Thomas Gardner passes away
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
72. Re: Martin Gardner passes away
by: Salvatore A. Saverino <sasaverino23@gmail.com>
73. '80 at Mauds Friday
by: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
74. Re: cancelled : '80 at Mauds Friday
by: Edward J Weinberg <edsphone@q5comm.com>
75. California mini-reunion next weekend
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
76. Re: California mini-reunion next weekend
by: <dougnolan@aol.com>
77. Re: California mini-reunion next weekend
by: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
78. The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever - Broadcasting
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
79. A Message from Corey Levenson
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
80. Re: California mini-reunion next weekend
by: Louise Francis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
81. RE: A Message from Corey Levenson
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
82. RE: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever -
by: Ann Zanette <azanette56@hotmail.com>
83. Re: A Message from Corey Levenson
by: <gmora@mail.com>
84. Re: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever - Broadcasting
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
85. Re: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever - Broadcasting
by: <skroback@cox.net>
86. RE: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever -
by: caroline lupo <carolinelupo@hotmail.com>
87. RE: A Message from Corey Levenson
by: Nancy Maleska <nmaleska@optonline.net>
88. Re: A Message from Corey Levenson
by: <gmora@mail.com>
89. RE: A Message from Corey Levenson
by: Laurel Kiorpes Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
90. Reunion
by: Steven and Susan Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
91. Re: Reunion
by: Vaughn Greg <dmcquickly@yahoo.com>
92. They won't believe it...
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
93. RE: Reunion
by: Mary Dalton <daltonm@vschsd.org>
94. Re: They won't believe it...
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
95. Re: Reunion
by: <carolbeth@triad.rr.com>
96. Re: They won't believe it...
by: <barbanddonny@optonline.net>
97. RE: Reunion
by: Laurel Kiorpes Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
98. Re: Reunion
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
99. RE: Reunion
by: Mary Dalton <daltonm@vschsd.org>
100. Re: Reunion
by: Rick Wester <rdw12bc@verizon.net>
101. Re: Reunion
by: <gmora@mail.com>
102. Left Behind
by: <barbanddonny@optonline.net>
103. Re: Reunion
by: <nan404@optonline.net>
104. Hastings Attendees
by: <barbanddonny@optonline.net>
105. RE: Reunion
by: Mary Dalton <daltonm@vschsd.org>
106. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
107. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: Renee Purse <purser@optonline.net>
108. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
109. Reunion
by: Steven and Susan Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
110. RE: Hastings Attendees
by: caroline lupo <carolinelupo@hotmail.com>
111. RE: Hastings Attendees
by: Ann Zanette <azanette56@hotmail.com>
112. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: Barry Olsen <barry@mandaramusic.com>
113. RE: Hastings Attendees
by: nancy martin <sped20@hotmail.com>
114. RE: Hastings Attendees
by: cheryl becker <blessame56@optonline.net>
115. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
116. Thanks
by: <gmora@mail.com>
117. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: <i.mckirgan@comcast.net>
118. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
119. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: <i.mckirgan@comcast.net>
120. Re: Hastings Attendees
by: Mary Liz Sente <msente@verizon.net>
-------------------- 1 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 01:16:37 -0800 (PST)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
I vote for reunion in the fall
-------------------- 2 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 04:28:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Keller Kaufman-Fox <kkaufmanfox@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
I vote for Columbus Day weekend. Thanks Alan!
Keller Kaufman-Fox
=0AKaufman-Fox Communications
=0ACarrboro, North Carolina
=0A(434) 227-0000
-------------------- 3 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 06:54:41 -0600
From: bisbeebclub@qwestoffice.net (Heather Schmeltz Grimm)
Thanks Alan, one of those people would be me.=20
-------------------- 4 --------------------
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 08:16:34 -0500
From: jmshillinglaw@aol.com (James Shillinglaw)
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
Homecoming weekend (whenever that is in the fall).
-------------------- 5 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 08:34:48 EST
From: Iafrate4@aol.com (Pamela Edwards Iafrate)
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
I my vote goes to a fall reunion. Thanks, Pam
-------------------- 6 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 08:18:50 -0600
From: "Lori Heady Hearon" <lhearon@austin.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
Many thanks to you for keeping everyone in touch over the years with the
website and email forum. My vote for a reunion would be Homecoming Weekend.
Lori Heady
-------------------- 7 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 07:56:18 -0800
From: Louise Francis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
I vote for the fall.
-------------------- 8 --------------------
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:30:24 -0500
From: Steven and Susan Stein Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
Subject: Reunion
Doesn't matter to me, but it seems we need to know WHEN Homecoming
is before we vote.
I already checked the HHS website & it's not listed yet.
I will side w/ the majority as well.
-------------------- 9 --------------------
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 19:00:37 -0500
From: Amy Farber <farberamy@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: Reunion Date
I vote for -- it doesn't matter. Have it whenever, and I'll try to be there.
Amy F.
-------------------- 10 --------------------
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 16:52:14 -0800
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Reunion Date
Hi Alan and everyone
I think I voted, but Columbus day is my preferred date. I can't guarantee
I'll make it, but I'll try.
-------------------- 11 --------------------
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 19:49:26 -0800
From: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
Columbus for me, too. It's week when the Fall colors are their most vibrant!
-------------------- 12 --------------------
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 09:15:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Vaughn Greg <dmcquickly@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Reunion Date
Columbus Day here too.=A0 We don't get it off down here in Florida but I'll=
try to be there.
-------------------- 13 --------------------
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 16:31:37 -0800
From: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
Subject: Very sad news
Keith Olbermann's father passed away this afternoon. Here is Keith's
-------------------- 14 --------------------
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 09:03:49 -0400
From: Alison Marston-Powers <alimasap@gmail.com>
Subject: Reunion date
Columbus weekend is a good time. That's my vote also.
-------------------- 15 --------------------
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 21:48:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Salvatore A. Saverino" <s.saverino@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Very sad news
My sincere condolences for the loss of your father and your mother.
Mr. Saverino
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 16:31:37 -0800
From: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
Subject: Very sad news
Keith Olbermann's father passed away this afternoon.=A0 Here is Keith's
-------------------- 16 --------------------
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 09:37:47 -0700
From: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
Subject: A nice tribute to Keith O.
Please consider a donation to The National Association of Free Clinics.
Michael Moore donated last night live on Keith's show. If you have time,
watch that segment as well. It was very moving.
-------------------- 17 --------------------
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:24:39 -0700
From: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
Subject: Keith Olbermann
Hi all,
I have an address for Keith if anyone wants to send him a card:
Keith Olbermann
Countdown - 4th Floor West
30 Rockefeller Center
NY NY 10112
He said to be sure to put "HOH" in the return address somewhere so
his staff
will know it is something he needs to see.
-------------------- 18 --------------------
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:10:43 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Great Movie! Free Screening!
You have to see this film! It is so funny, cute and the 3D is tremendous!
"How to Train Your Dragon"
If you are in Manhattan tomorrow, Thursday, please set aside 6:30 to
9PM and go to
the Regal E-Walk, 247 W. 42nd. St (between 7th and 8th Ave).
I have passes that can be picked up at my office (practically right
around the corner in Times Square).
Please email me offline at alan_fine@paramount.com if you can make it.
And if you can't, make sure to try to see it in theaters near you.
-------------------- 19 --------------------
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 18:43:41 -0400
From: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
Subject: Hastings Deer
Hastings Trustees are well on their way to slaughtering the deer in
Hastings. Please copy and paste the following petition and sign it if
you want to stop the killing.
This is the attitude motivating the proposed deer slaughter in Hastings.
To keep up with the proposed deer slaughter in Hastings please friend
"Buck Vandeer" on Facebook. Thanks a lot.
Dear Mayor Swiderski,
I previously asked you why you didn't educate the residents of
Hastings on how they can prevent Lyme without killing the deer in the
town. I am aware that the other reason you state as justification for
the deer cull is destruction of the environment. Unfortunately a
timeline of your decision making process as reflected in the
broadcasts of the Trustee meetings reveals that you decided to kill
the deer BEFORE you saw the demonstration of the enclosed understory
compared to the unenclosed understory.
When you initially brought up the possibility of sterilization, you
called the requirement that it be done as part of a University study a
"legal road block." In fact that is no legal road block at all, and
you required to do the same kind of thing for a cull. These facts
clearly show that you were predisposed to kill rather than sterilize.
It may take a little more time and money, but fast and cheap is no
reason to take an ethical shortcut. Let's be honest with people when
stating your reasons for deciding to kill. The record does not
support your version of the decision making process, and it's
insulting to not be told the truth.
Regards, Corey Shaff
-------------------- 20 --------------------
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 00:13:34 -0400
From: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
Please view this video and then consider signing the petition to
Hastings Trustees to not kill Hastings deer.
-------------------- 21 --------------------
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 22:56:51 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
Recently some of us have been talking about an event that could become an
annual affair - a casual, whomever-is-available June cookout for all
Hastings classes, to see old friends, classmates, neighbors and
teachers. This came to the surface after the recent and premature losses of
George Capuano, John Rudd, Tommy Callahan, and Tunney Maher.
Donny and Barbara Hope Waterous want to host this first one at their home at
11 Warren Street in Hastings. It will be 6/5/10 from 4pm to whenever. Bring
your own food and booze. Grill and ice will be provided.
ANYONE WHO HAS GONE TO HASTINGS is invited, but we're really pushing the
classes from '72 to '78 (which happen to be Barbara and Donny's years).
Barbara is setting up an Evite site for this event so we can all post
questions and thoughts, and keep track of the RSVP list. Stay tuned for more
info on that. (Should be quite the shindig. Conservatively, if we get only
20 people per targeted class, we'll have 140 in attendance, so don't miss
So it looks like the Class of '75 will have a reunion (open to other classes
as well)
Homecoming Weekend, the first or second weekend in October. More news to come.
(For those who can't make that, please consider this June cookout as another
chance to "come feel the
-------------------- 22 --------------------
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 22:51:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vaughn Greg <dmcquickly@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
This would be fun but, sadly, it's a week too early for me--we don't get out
of school until the second week of June this year.
Maybe in future years, since our school year has been pushed back a week or
so as of next year
-------------------- 23 --------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 03:20:43 -0400
From: Ann Deragopian Zanette <azanette56@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
Date is saved and looking forward to it! I can pass the word to other class of 74 folks who are not yet on this forum as well.
-------------------- 24 --------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 10:00:16 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
Yes, please spread the word as much as you can. (Also send me offline the
email addresses of people who you think would benefit from this forum.)
A yearly gathering like this is the best way I know to fight back from all the loses we've experienced.
-------------------- 25 --------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 10:07:45 -0400
From: jane gaughran <janegaughran@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
Corey -- I'm all for the petition, but is there another link? This one isn't working, at least for me.
-------------------- 26 --------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 10:14:23 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
The link worked for me. Here is it again for those who want it.
-------------------- 27 --------------------
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 12:10:13 EDT
From: JEBWILK@aol.com (Julie Blasberg)
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
I don't live in Hastings so I defer my opinion to those that do. There is
Comprehensive Review of Deer Overpopulation Problems and Control" (committee
co-chaired by Jacques Padawer) that the Town of Greenburgh commissioned. It
can be found at:
My niece has Lyme Disease which she contracted on a trip to PA a few years
ago. She is now 23 years old, struggling to get through college while
having to spend hours being hooked up to IV drips of the strongest
anti-biotics, etc. The most recent aspect of the disease has shown itself as
nerve damage to her eyes and encephalitis. She had a very difficult and
painful spinal tap this week to determine what can be done about her
swelling brain. Trust me, she doesn't deserve any of this. I'm not saying that
the Deer in Hastings caused this, but there are a hundred plus residents in
Hastings that have contracted Lyme Disease from Deer ticks. Good luck
-------------------- 28 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 05:50:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Keller Kaufman-Fox <kkaufmanfox@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
I have a good friend with chronic Lyme disease; she suffers immeasurably. =
=A0I live near a greenway with herds of deer...scares the hell out of me! T=
icks are everywhere.
Keller Kaufman-Fox
Kaufman-Fox Communications
Carrboro, North Carolina
-------------------- 29 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:30:27 -0400
From: Mark Feaster <mfeaster@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
So sorry to hear of your niece's condition, I too have heard of too many
cases of Lyme Disease in the Tri-State area and especially here in Hastings.
I currently live in Hastings again and have an 8 year son that I have to
regularly check for ticks as all of the parents of young ones do, not to
mention myself, twice in the past three years I've been on a preventative
antibiotic regiment to ward off the disease.
As a child growing up here, I was always running around Hillside woods with
my friends, none off us ever found ticks embedded in our flesh contracted
Lyme Disease, nor did we ever spot a deer.
The deer population is out of control here in the village, I almost hit one
at the 5 corners intersection not too long ago and have seen them wandering
thru the business district. They are decimating the landscaping, no one can
garden, most of us are forced to erect hideous looking fences or netting to
protect the established landscaping that was planted when these beautiful
old houses were built, and not to mention the threat of Lyme.
The village has finally awakened, listened to the majority of residents whom
have had it, not only in Hastings but throughout the River Towns, and is
hopefully taking measures to cull these herds. It's long over due!
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of Mother Nature and wildlife, however
this situation poses a health threat as well as a threat to the natural
environment that we all enjoy here in the village and would like to
-------------------- 30 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:51:30 EDT
From: JaneGaughran@aol.com
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
Julie - the clinical reality of Lyme is something everyone in deer-infested
areas has to contend with - especially, now, your niece. You're adding a
vital counterpoint, and I'm so sorry a young person has to contend with
such physical hardship.
Maybe someone else knows -- do the towns proposing to shoot deer have any
real data about viable, more humane alternatives, or are they just taking
the cheap and easy way out? Do they even know if towns which intstitute
hunting to reduce herds actually have lower (verifiable) incidences of Lyme?
How about data on alternative methods?
-------------------- 31 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:13:15 -0400
From: Staton Rabin <Cutebunion@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
I have had Lyme disease and I edit a Lyme-expert physician's medical
journal papers on Lyme. Deer do not carry Lyme bacteria in their
bloodstream and are not the cause of the Lyme epidemic. Birds and
rodents carry and spread Lyme through the nymphal ticks that feed on
them. Killing deer would do nothing to reduce the incidence of Lyme
disease and may even increase it, as the ticks find other animal hosts
that do transmit Lyme. Eliminating backyard bird feeders would be far
more useful. I have been fighting the proposal to kill deer here in
Irvington- which may be on temporary hold for financial reasons. I
have presented the Mayor and board of trustees with accurate
information. The two meetings on the deer issue that took place last
fall in Irvington were videotaped. The Mayors of Hastings and
Irvington spoke, as did I. I recommend that anyone interested in this
issue watch the Hastings mayor's videotaped statement and hear my
response at the following meeting when I was permitted to reply. Call
the Irvington village hall and ask where you can get those two tapes.
I believe Hastings residents will find this of interest. Your mayor
is woefully misinformed and, in my opinion, biased, The Hastings
mayor said he was surprised that there has been so little opposition
to Hastings' plan to kill deer. He said that Hastings "rolled
over" (that's a quote).
Best wishes,
Staton Rabin
-------------------- 32 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:04:21 +0000 (UTC)
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
Deer ticks cause lyme. Wild turkey's are major controllers of these ticks. =
Thus the should be spared and bred to help maintain control over them.=20
-------------------- 33 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:33:43 -0400
From: "Linda Whitehead" <lwhitehead@mgslawyers.com>
Subject: Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
What about those of us in the Class of '79? We feel left out!
Linda B. Whitehead, Esq.
McCullough, Goldberger & Staudt, LLP
1311 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 340
White Plains, New York 10605
fax (914)949-2510
-------------------- 34 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:32:11 +0000 (GMT)
From: nan404@optonline.net (Nancy Skultety Gagliardi)
Subject: Re: Columbus homecoming
Homecoming will be October 23rd this year!
I just found out and wanted to share it with you all.
-------------------- 35 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 19:43:19 -0400
From: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
All good questions Jane.
I live with many deer here in NW CT. and check myself for ticks and
have been on preventative antibiotics too. Hunters have asked to hunt
the deer on my property and I haven't allowed it. Other deer would
move right in.
Hastings is not an island. Dobbs Ferry is proposing a sterilization
program which is both more humane and more effective. The answer is
that Hastings is taking the cheap and what they believe to be fastest
way to an end. But culling even on an annual basis will accomplish
little because deer don't observe town boundaries.
Dr. Padawer's report stressed that the deer be treated humanely. He
stressed that if they were killed, they should be tranquilized first.
That is not allowed in NY. Dr Padawer would not condone trapping the
deer in nets and then killing them with a steel bolt to their brains.
The deer panic and struggle under the net often breaking their own legs.
Hastings can approach the deer population the way Dobbs Ferry is
proposing, or they can change the laws to allow them to cull the deer
in a more humane way. There's a lot of assumptions made about deer
and lyme, and deer and environmental damage that is simply not true.
There's a lot of information on the Buck Vandeer page on Facebook,
along with some entertainment to break the devastating reality of what
Hastings is planning to do this winter.
-------------------- 36 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:38:48 -0400
From: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
You know Dave, that's a great idea. We have tons of wild turkeys
around here in CT, and they do eat a lot of insects. I wonder if they
have thought of getting them for Hastings. I have not seen them there
myself, but maybe there are some there already, and they could just
increase the population. They're amazing birds.
-------------------- 37 --------------------
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 22:31:10 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: SAVE THE DATE - 6/5/10!
From: "Linda Whitehead"
What about those of us in the Class of '79? We feel left out!
That hurts. I spent a lot of time making sure that NO ONE would feel left
To quote myself, including the original caps:
"ANYONE WHO HAS GONE TO HASTINGS is invited, but we're really pushing the
classes from '72 to '78 (which happen to be Barbara and Donny's years)."
I phrased it that way so even people who only went to Hastings for a few
years were welcomed.
-------------------- 38 --------------------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:43:47 -0400
From: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
I have seen wild turkeys in Scarsdale, so there are probably some in
Hastings too.
It is amazing how the animal population changes. Growing up I saw maybe
one or two rabbits in the wild. Some summers more recently I saw 5
rabbits just walking around the block!
-------------------- 39 --------------------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 04:52:33 -0400
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
We have the wild Turkeys where I live. They are quite large and it is
impressive to see them moving through the neighborhood. I have counted
up to twenty at a time. Whats kind of interesting is when they move
through an overgrown area, the neighborhood cats will walk along their
perimeter waiting for the Turkeys to spook up a mouse or shrew.
Jim K
-------------------- 40 --------------------
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:29:55 -0700
From: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
They are truly great creatures. And... (hide the children, turn off the
lights...) taste great when cured outside for a few days.
When I noted they should be protected I was quite serious. They are an
ecological necessity, but that doesn't mean hunting should be out of the
question. I suppose living in California for a few decades has softened
me up on this sport, but it's the rewards I like you get from
hunting...especially the more hunters you know...that are great. A game
sized bird is upwards of 30lbs or more. The key is strict regulations
and limited seasons (like with deer, as it happens).
I still believe that huntings is better...at every single level...than
going to the supermarket to get your feedlot raised factory protein.
A book I highly recommend: /The Omnivores Dilemma/ by Michael Pollen.
Someone on this list a while ago recommended it to me. Outstanding case
for organic food (and hunting).
-------------------- 41 --------------------
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 09:59:26 -0400
From: gmora@mail.com (George Morabit)
Subject: Re: Hastings Deer
I have had Lyme 5 times and Malaria from Burma Twice. The first bout with=
lyme is the worst. It went undiagnosed for 3 years: Bells Palsy and lots=
of pain but nothing like Malaria, Cerebral): 107.5 temps and taking Quini=
ne is a bitch.
You don't need deer to have lyme. All wild and dometic animals can carry=
the disease.
These diseases are nothing compared to the present and previous Gov't's.=
Also with the new healthcare we are screwed.
George Morabit live from Lyme country
-------------------- 42 --------------------
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 23:21:17 -0400
From: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
Subject: Letter from Buck Vandeer
Frankly I have had enough. The actions proposed by "mayor" Swiderski
are nothing less than a HORROR SHOW. The "mayor" refuses to present
the REALITY of what it is he's proposing, and moreover it's CHANCES
FOR SUCCESS. He has placed all of his eggs in the Dr. Jacque Padawar
deer report basket, a basket that stresses the culling of deer be done
in A HUMANE MANNER, utilizing a tranquilizer dart. That however
couldn't be farther from what the 'mayor' is planning. I offer that
the mayor has elected to ignore and or deny, the very morality of his
actions. He instead chooses to behave the politician and quiet the
frustrated, entitled voices, ( who give definition to the word,
"petty") and to do so at any moral cost. Electing to deny the
consequences of these proposed actions, both IN THE WOODS, and OUT. IF
THEN I SUGGEST YOU DO NOTHING AT ALL!!! Would you rather newborn fawns
stray throughout your village into traffic, because YOU SIR HAVE HIRED
unaware of WHAT A CAR IS!!!!????? Explain that one to your kids.
Azalea bushes will be eaten, shit happens, and IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN,
put up a FUCKING FENCE. Dogs, and less than attentive human beings may
HASTINGS IS NOT AN ISLAND!! KILLING DEER, in the inhumane manner you
propose, without being joined by the surrounding townships is NOT
to the mayor, THE MAYOR, and you sat there and allowed such ABHORRENT,
TWISTED, DISGUSTING COMMENTS to be spewed in public chambers, and at
their completion, you THANK HIM FOR THEM?????? I AM EMBARRASSED TO BE
HASTINGS ON HUDSON. This isn't just any town you are serving
Swiderski, this is HASTINGS ON HUDSON, it is and always has been a
special community. Do you really think that I and others are going to
sit idly be and allow you to destroy all that this town is, over a
fucking azalea bush???? I urge all to WATCH THE BOARD OF TRUSTEE
MEETINGS http://whoh-tv.org/ and see for yourselves the boards
attitude and the mayor's curious awareness/denial of what he may be
about to embark on. Watch as residents Gonder and Bogart, along with
the "mayor", and trustees, laugh at the prospect of THIS proposed
GENOCIDE. Local new stations already have been made aware. All
residents of Hastings should do the same. It is best to watch the
discourse and meetings in their entirety, but here are links to some
clips. "KILL THEM ALL" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no6vwvr3XN0
Further, the professional 'Deer Management' concern that you are
considering putting in your employ, are nothing but hired killers.
WHITE BUFFALO, are a DISASTER!!!!!! They have settled suits out of
court, while others are currently pending. They were sited for CRUELTY
and ineptness. They nor any of the other "PRO'S" in the field, whom
keep the blood off the mayor's hands and offer him such comfort, are
nothing approaching professionals, nothing of the sort. They are
merely KILLERS, and sloppy ineffective ones at that. I urge all to
watch the videos, and moreover listen to the HORRIFIC SOUNDS of baited
and trapped deer as they thrash about, often breaking legs prior to a
slaughter bolt being driven in their heads. A bolt that often times
misses it's target, due to the animals hysterical attempts to free
itself, requiring that it be shot again. Dr. Padawar stressed humane
action, he stressed again and again that HE DID NOT WANT THE DEER TO
SUFFER. You claim the people of Hastings are behind you. Well the
people of Hastings would not be behind this sir, and this is what you
are proposing. But they have no idea, NOT YET ANYWAY. 'Mr. mayor', the
HILLSIDE. As much as you try to sanitize what you are proposing, these
actions simply cannot be sanitized. I respectively suggest that you
refer to the comments of your own trustee BRUCE JENNINGS, (perhaps the
only sane head you have beside you on the dais) per the root causes of
this issue, and employ some PAUSE. FOR YOU SIR, ARE BEHAVING LIKE A
CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR, NOT A MAYOR!!!!!! Your buttoned up rhetoric, I
CAN ASSURE YOU, will be systemically unraveled in full view of more
than handful of privileged, disgruntled residents on some cozy Tuesday
evening in the confines of chambers. YOU ARE ELECTING TO KILL INNOCENT
DEER. INHUMANELY! I am not some "animal nut", nor some "deer
nut". I
and those up in arms over you and your plans realize that for the sake
of the deer their numbers need be lowered. If you need to change laws
in order to do this, humanely, then CHANGE THE LAW. Show some SACK as
it were 'mayor' and rather than KILLING DEER, an act as currently
proposed that will do nothing but quiet John Gonder etal., CHANGE THE
LAW. Dr. Padawar and others have urged you so. The number of deer
needs to be lowered, humanely. Your inferences that "Hastings will
lead on this, 'if we have to, go alone', is off the graph hubris, as
well I might add, moral and political suicide. Rather than playing BIG
FISH in the little pond, head to deeper waters and DEMAND that the
D.E.C. and state legislators do something to change the laws. Not for
Jeff Bogart and his desires to have his backyard returned to him from
'the long legged rats (deer)', as he calls them, but for the deer
themselves. Don't solve "your problem" mayor, don't wilt to petty,
privileged, inconvenienced yuppies. You are part of an eco-system,
whether you like it or not. AGAIN. HASTINGS IS NOT AN ISLAND!! YOU ARE
CHOOSING FLAT OUT, GENOCIDE, and to make matters worse, proposing this
horror WITHOUT so much as having tried NOT ONE PRIOR REMEDY. And for
God, I'M SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING 'your get out of jail free card',
Leaving myself and other humane, human beings, to deal with what you
are proposing (born of your glaring people pleasing character defect)
any consideration for 'nature'? Remember nature? The consequences of
your actions will be severe, and will leave a stain on the village of
HASTINGS-on-HUDSON that will be immeasurable. I urge all reading this
to SIGN OUR PETITION against the actions of "CANDIDATE" Peter
Swiderski and the village of Hastings. When you begin to resemble
anything approaching a mayor, let me know.http://www.change.org/petitions/view/kill_them_all_for_eating_tulips_say_no_to_hastings_on_hudsons_plans_to_kill_deer
-------------------- 43 --------------------
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:34:49 -0700
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Hastings Deer
Lyme disease is largely carried by deer. Fortunately, people are much
vigilant and aware about the disease now, and recognize the symptoms. But
unfortunately, there remain individuals who have recalcitrant disease with
persistent symptoms which can be very debilitating. It is a health hazard.
See the following:
As has been discussed on this board, the fact that they are aggressively
infiltrating the area indicates that their food supply from their previous
habitat has been altered. Usually harsh winters, like the one you had this
past winter, coupled with a scarcity of food (normally the case in winter),
naturally decreases the deer population.
Culling, a harsh alternative, in and of itself will not stop deer from
migrating toward food -- and it is not going to totally eliminate the
population and as long as there is a food source, they are going to
reproduce (Bogart is a bit over the top). Hence, if you want to eliminate
the deer, you need to cut off or significantly reduce their food source. But
since people don't want to stop growing flowers and plants in their back
yard, a safer alternative is to try using ecofriendly repellents like coyote
urine powder. There are other products that contain putrescent egg, which
emits smell similar to an animal protein. Garlic effects their senses of
smell as well. Capsaicin, sometimes also added as an ingredient, creates
burning sensation which abruptly deters deer.
This would take a community effort but it may be cheaper and certainly more
human than culling.
-------------------- 44 --------------------
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 20:24:23 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
It has been decided that from now on, this server will only pass along announcements that keep all Hastings classes of the 70s informed (achievements as well as happy and sad occasions). That is the function that sets this tool apart from all others over the web.
Henceforth, please post all chat on Facebook. Violations will be rejected.
I have subscribed some people who unsubscribed in the past so they could see this change in policy and hopefully decide to remain members. If not, please send another email here with "unsubscribe" in the subject again.
Thank you in advance for continuing to participate under the new guideline.
-------------------- 45 --------------------
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 02:41:29 +0000 (UTC)
From: smb9220@comcast.net (Steven Bass)
Subject: Coming to NY
I'll be coming to New York the weekend prior to May 17 and hope to see many old friends. Oregon Public Broadcasting, the organization that I am privileged to lead, is being honored with a Peabody Award for a news series we did on the plight of ordinary Oregonians in the midst of the financial crisis. The Peabody Awards, the oldest honor in electronic media, do not recognize categories nor are there a set number of awards given each year. They recognize distinguished achievement and meritorious public service by TV and radio stations, networks, cablecasters, Webcasters, producing organizations and individuals. So we're being honored along with 60 Minutes, Glee, Craig Ferguson, Modern Family along with some of our public broadcasting colleagues.
Will keep you posted on my travel plans but I expect to be around H-on-H the weekend before.
Steve Bass
-------------------- 46 --------------------
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 22:41:00 -0700
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
I have a Facebook page for Hastings on Hudson Class of 1975. If you aren't
registered on Facebook, you need to do so for access. If you are new to
Facebook, I suggest you read the privacy section.
After you login or register, go to "search" and input "Hastings
High School
Class of 1975" and ask to join -- the invitation will be sent to me and
add you to the group ----if you are good boys and girls. Right now we have
20 members.
-------------------- 47 --------------------
It has been decided that from now on, this server will only pass along announcements that keep all Hastings classes of the 70s informed (achievements as well as happy and sad occasions). That is the function that sets this tool apart from all others over the web.
Henceforth, please post all chat on Facebook. Violations will be rejected.
I have subscribed some people who unsubscribed in the past so they could see this change in policy and hopefully decide to remain members. If not, please send another email here with "unsubscribe" in the subject again.
Thank you in advance for continuing to participate under the new guideline.
-------------------- 48 --------------------
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 01:49:57 -0400
From: Corey Shaff <cshaff@earthlink.net>
Subject: Brian Baker
Any word on Brian? He's not on the data list.
Scot Gunlach?
(Sorry for the delay. Email server was down.)
-------------------- 49 --------------------
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 09:13:45 -0700
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Can anyone recommend a good realtor in the Hastings vicinity that they can
pass on to me directly? I really want someone who is experienced and
reliable, and knows both the Hastings and Town of Greenburgh areas/amenities
Greatly appreciated.
Patricia Sinatra
Managing Director
Vector Strategic Advisors
Licensing and commercial support for the biopharmaceutical industry.
phone: +1.650.274.7488 I E-mail: psinatra@comcast.net
-------------------- 50 --------------------
Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 12:38:26 -0400
From: Mark Lesly <marklesly@verizon.net>
Subject: Re:
I recommend Artie Riolo.
-------------------- 51 --------------------
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 10:06:31 -0700
From: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Re:
I second Mark's recommendation. Artie Riolo
-------------------- 52 --------------------
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 19:07:09 -0400
From: "Karen Korenko O'Mara" <Karen.OMara@PoloRalphLauren.com>
Subject: Re:
Hi Pat
Riolo and AJ Dobbs at Coldwell Banker is good too
All the best,
Karen O'mara
-------------------- 53 --------------------
Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 21:29:18 EDT
From: NYCFD1@aol.com (Ray Paletta)
Subject: (no subject)
-------------------- 54 --------------------
Date: Sun, 09 May 2010 02:00:29 +0000 (GMT)
From: nan404@optonline.net (Nancy Skultety Gagliardi)
Subject: Re:
Arthur Riolo would be my choice!
-------------------- 55 --------------------
Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 11:04:49 +0000
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: Re:
Thanks all for your input. Happy Mother's Day!
-------------------- 56 --------------------
Date: Sun, 09 May 2010 12:14:17 -0400
From: loretta8891@aol.com (Loretta Fleming Chiavetta)
Subject: Re:
Pat...I recommend me...Loretta Fleming Chiavetta! I work for Coldwell Ba=
nker in Pleasantville (where I live) but I have listed and sold in the Riv=
er Towns. I am there all the time between family and friends and know the=
You can email me directly at Loretta8891@aol.com if you need more informat=
ion or friend me on facebook.
Be well,
-------------------- 57 --------------------
Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 22:33:49 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House)
Dobbs Ferry at 7PM
Hear some music. Come for dinner or a drink by the Hudson.
Also attending... Steve Bass, in town from Oregon to receive a Peabody
Award for his radio station. (See below)
Hard Times (OPB Radio)
Oregon Public Broadcasting
The Main Street repercussions of Wall Street's reckless ways were
nowhere in the media more humanly and thoughtfully documented than in
this series of radio reports.
5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House) in Dobbs Ferry at 7PM
-------------------- 58 --------------------
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 10:01:52 -0400
From: "Jill Pearson" <Pearsonj@ArdsleySchools.org>
Subject: Re:
riolo who has been there since the beginning of time...
Jill Pearson
Executive Assistant for Human Resources
Please don't print this email unless absolutely necessary - GO GREEN!
-------------------- 59 --------------------
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 10:08:37 -0400
From: "Jill Pearson" <Pearsonj@ArdsleySchools.org>
Subject: Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old
Chart House) in
So sorry I will not be able to make it, I will be out of town this =
weekend, the first in about 6 weeks!! Have a good time everyone!
Jill Pearson
Executive Assistant for Human Resources
Please don't print this email unless absolutely necessary - GO GREEN!
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-------------------- 60 --------------------
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 09:58:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: West Coast gathering
Since many of us can't make it to Hastings for Donny and Barbara's gathering
- we're planning a left coast one!
Same day, Saturday June 5th, from 2-8ish at my house -
1131 Suffolk Court, Los Altos, CA. (about 40 miles south of San Francisco).
We have a nucleus of mid-70's grads in the area, but all HHS class years welcome so please pass the info on to fellow alums.
Bring food and/or drink to share if you can - the main point is to get together!
Alison Krafft Rempel '74
650 961-7989 (home)
650 279-6481 (cell)
-------------------- 61 --------------------
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 16:18:06 -0400
From: jmshillinglaw@aol.com
Subject: Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House)
I'll be there...but possibly a little later....
-------------------- 62 --------------------
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 04:16:02 +0000
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House)
I'll be there the 18th. 3 days too late! Drat!!!!
-------------------- 63 --------------------
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 08:12:04 -0400
From: Steven and Susan Stein Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart
House) in
I will be there. Are we having dinner, or just drinks?
Steve - Should I bring my flute?
-------------------- 64 --------------------
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 08:25:23 -0400
From: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
Subject: Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old
Got the kids this weekend, so I can't make it.
-------------------- 65 --------------------
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 10:33:54 -0400
From: gmora@mail.com (George Morabit - Class '74)
Subject: Re: Call for a mini reunion 5/15/10 at Half Moon (the old Chart House)
Can't make this one, but I intend to go to Donnies party.
-------------------- 66 --------------------
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 22:01:00 -0400
From: "the tremblay's" <tremblayfamily@gmail.com> (Wendi Budge
Subject: Re: West Coast gathering
Have a great time, I wish I could be there to say "HI."
Wendi (Budge) Tremblay
-------------------- 67 --------------------
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 17:42:23 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Half Moon (Chart House), Dobbs, Saturday after 7PM
If in town...
Half Moon
(Chart House),
Saturday after 7PM
-------------------- 68 --------------------
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 22:42:22 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: New Book and Articles by John Fischer
I am proud to announce a link to a recent article by classmate John Fischer
for "The Culinary Institute of America"
And a link to Amazon to buy his new book
Other books by John:
Congrats, John!
-------------------- 69 --------------------
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 06:20:02 -0400
From: Mark Lesly <marklesly@verizon.net>
Subject: Father of James and Thomas Gardner passes away
-------------------- 70 --------------------
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 08:53:28 -0400
From: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
Subject: Martin Gardner passes away
My condolences to James and Thomas whose father Martin Gardner passes
Anyone else besides me hang out in Tom's basement playing with the
puzzles in the fridge?
I only met Martin once or twice, but I still have a few of his books
which at least one of my sons has read. I remember the time I spent
building flexagons, solving cyphers, and I still use techniques he
described to beat the carnival games.
He will be missed.
Martin Gardner, Puzzler and Polymath, Dies at 95
(From the New York Times)
Published: May 23, 2010
Martin Gardner, who teased brains with math puzzles in Scientific
American for a quarter-century and who indulged his own restless
curiosity by writing more than 70 books on topics as diverse as magic,
philosophy and the nuances of Alice in Wonderland, died Saturday in
Norman, Okla. He was 95.
Enlarge This Image
Colm Mulcahy
Martin Gardner was a prolific and wide-ranging writer.
He had been living in an assisted-living facility in Norman, his son
James said in confirming the death.
Mr. Gardner also wrote fiction, poetry, literary and film criticism, as
well as puzzle books. He was a leading voice in refuting
pseudoscientific theories, from ESP to flying saucers. He was so
prolific and wide-ranging in his interests that critics speculated that
there just had to be more than one of him.
His mathematical writings intrigued a generation of mathematicians, but
he never took a college math course. If it seemed the only thing this
polymath could not do was play music on a saw, rest assured that he
could, and quite well.
“Martin Gardner is one of the great intellects produced in this country
in the 20th century,” said Douglas Hofstadter, the cognitive scientist.
W. H. Auden, Arthur C. Clarke, Jacob Bronowski, Stephen Jay Gould and
Carl Sagan were admirers of Mr. Gardner. Vladimir Nabokov mentioned him
in his novel “Ada” as “an invented philosopher.” An
asteroid is named
for him.
Mr. Gardner responded that his life was not all that interesting,
really. “It’s lived mainly inside my brain,” he told The Charlotte
Observer in 1993.
His was a clarifying intelligence: he said his talent was asking good
questions and transmitting the answers clearly and crisply. In
“Annotated Alice” (1960), Mr. Gardner literally rained on the parade
his hero, Lewis Carroll.
Carroll writes of a “golden afternoon” in the first line of “Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland,” a reference to an actual day rowing on the
Thames. Mr. Gardner found that the day, July 4, 1862, was, in truth,
“cool and rather wet.”
Mr. Gardner’s questions were often mathematical. What is special about
the number 8,549,176,320? As Mr. Gardner explained in “The Incredible
Dr. Matrix” (1976), the number is the 10 natural integers arranged in
English alphabetical order.
The title of a book he published in 2000 was calculated to tweak
religious fundamentalists — “Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?”
— suggesting
that the first man and woman had had umbilical cords. This time he gave
no answer.
“Gardner has an old-fashioned, almost 19th-century, Oliver Wendell
Holmes kind of American mind — self-educated, opinionated, cranky and
utterly unafraid of embarrassment,” Adam Gopnik wrote in The New York
Times Book Review in 1999.
Martin Gardner was born Oct. 21, 1914, in Tulsa, Okla., where his
father, a petroleum geologist, started an oil company. As a boy he liked
magic tricks, chess, science and collecting mechanical puzzles.
Unbeknownst to his mother at the time, he learned to read by looking at
the words on the page as she read him L. Frank Baum’s Oz books. As an
adult, he wrote a sequel to Baum’s “Wonderful Wizard of Oz”
“Visitors From Oz,” in which Dorothy encounters characters from
“Alice” books and Geraldo Rivera.
Mr. Gardner majored in philosophy at the University of Chicago, from
which he graduated in 1936. In 1937 he returned to Oklahoma to be
assistant oil editor of The Tulsa Tribune at $15 a week. Quickly bored,
he returned to the University of Chicago, where he worked in press
relations and moonlighted selling magic kits.
He joined the Navy and served on a destroyer. While doing night watch
duty, he thought up crazy plots for stories, including “The Horse on the
Escalator,” which he sold to Esquire magazine.
After a stint as editor of Humpty Dumpty, a children’s magazine, Mr.
Gardner began a long relationship with Scientific American with an
article in 1956 on hexaflexagons, strips of paper that can be folded in
certain ways to reveal faces besides the two that were originally on the
front and back. When the publisher suggested that he write a column
about mathematical games, he jumped at the chance.
By his account, Mr. Gardner then rushed out to secondhand bookstores to
find books about math puzzles, an approach he used for years to keep
just ahead of his monthly deadline. “The number of puzzles I’ve
you can count on your fingers,” he told The Times last year.
Dr. Hofstadter, who succeeded Mr. Gardner at Scientific American, said
Mr. Gardner achieved elegant results by drawing on fields from logic to
the philosophy of science to literature. He conveyed “the magical
quality of mathematics,” Dr. Hofstadter said.
Mr. Gardner, who lived in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y., for most of the
years he wrote for Scientific American, resigned from the magazine in
1981. Two years later he began a column in Skeptical Inquirer, “Notes
a Fringe Watcher,” which he continued to write until 2002. He had
already begun beating this drum, debunking psuedoscience, in his book
“Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science.” He helped found the
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
In The New York Review of Books in 1982, Stephen Jay Gould, the
evolutionary biologist, called Mr. Gardner “the single brightest beacon
defending rationality and good science against the mysticism and
anti-intellectualism that surround us.”
There was much more, including his annotated editions of “Casey at the
Bat” and “The Night Before Christmas.” In his philosophical
writing Mr.
Gardner rejected speculative metaphysics because it could not be proved
logically or empirically. He wrestled with religion in essays and in a
novel that described his personal journey from fundamentalism, “The
Flight of Peter Fromm” (1973). He ultimately found no reason to believe
in anything religious except a human desire to avoid “deep-seated
despair.” So, he said, he believed in God.
After retiring from Scientific American, Mr. Gardner lived for many
years in Hendersonville, N.C. His wife, the former Charlotte Greenwald,
died in 2000. Besides his son James, of Norman, he is survived by
another son, Thomas, of Asheville, N.C., and three grandchildren. For
all Mr. Gardner’s success in refuting those who take advantage of
people’s gullibility, he sometimes could not help having fun with it
himself. In one Scientific American column, he wrote that dwelling in
pyramids could increase everything from intelligence to sexual prowess.
In another he asked readers to remember the holiday that begins the
month of April.
“I just play all the time,” he said in an interview with Skeptical
Inquirer in 1998, “and am fortunate enough to get paid for it.”
Edward J. Weinberg
-------------------- 71 --------------------
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 09:13:23 -0400
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: Father of James and Thomas Gardner passes away
What a fascinating man! He is just another example of why Hastings was
such a unique place to grow up.
Jim K
Hastings Alumni Email Forum wrote:
> From the HASTINGS CLASS OF '75
> (also including teachers and other classes)
> www.art-cetera.com/hastings
> ---------------------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 06:20:02 -0400
> From: Mark Lesly <marklesly@verizon.net>
> Subject: Father of James and Thomas Gardner passes away
> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/24/us/24gardner.html?hpw
> --------------------------------------------------------
> This message has been sent to -- and seen by -- 173 classmate,
> teacher and friend email addresses and is the responsibility of
> the person who sent it.
> To unsubscribe, please send an email to
> hastings@art-cetera.com with "unsubscribe" in the subject.
-------------------- 72 --------------------
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 10:01:19 -0700
From: "Salvatore A. Saverino" <sasaverino23@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Martin Gardner passes away
My sincere condolences to the Gardner family. I never had the
privilege of meeting Mr Gardner, but wish that I had had the
Mr. Saverino
-------------------- 73 --------------------
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 22:28:46 -0400
From: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
Subject: '80 at Mauds Friday
The class of '80 will be at Maud's Friday (5/28) to kick off their
reunion weekend.
Edward J. Weinberg
-------------------- 74 --------------------
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 10:56:21 -0400
From: Edward J Weinberg <edsphone@q5comm.com>
Subject: Re: cancelled : '80 at Mauds Friday
Actually I got the date wrong. It is really in Jule. Sorry.
-------------------- 75 --------------------
Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 09:23:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: California mini-reunion next weekend
Please forward to west coast Hastings folks.
If you can't get to Donny and Barbara's next weekend, maybe California is easier.
Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010
Time: 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Alison Krafft Rempel's home - 1131 Suffolk Court, Los Altos 94024
Bring food and/or drink to share if you can - the main point is to get together!
If you send an email address or a Facebook friend request, I'll add it to the
facebook event invitees.
Thanks, Alison
-------------------- 76 --------------------
Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 01:03:35 -0400
From: dougnolan@aol.com
Subject: Re: California mini-reunion next weekend
I'm looking forward to the get together at Alison's and hope to see lots of West Coast H2o folks there.
-------------------- 77 --------------------
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:23:35 -0700
From: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: California mini-reunion next weekend
I think I'll be able to make it.
-------------------- 78 --------------------
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 23:45:32 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever - Broadcasting
Live from Both Coasts!
One way or another, we will have a video hook up between the two parties on
Saturday night. At around 9PM in the eastern and 6PM in the western,
Hastings-on-Hudson and Los Altos will be linked. Partiers will be able to
chat and toast each other face to face! So if you were on the fence about
attending, please make this ground breaking event a reason to join us.
Again the address is 11 Warren Street in Hastings, off of Broadway by the
Andrus home. 4pm to whenever. Bring your own food and booze. Grill and ice
will be provided.
-------------------- 79 --------------------
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 23:47:17 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: A Message from Corey Levenson
Hi All,
Looking forward to the BBQ this weekend. A few of us have been talking about
getting together before the event in order to spend more time hanging out.
We've decided to meet at the park along the river in Hastings around 1 pm on
Saturday. We're going to bring whatever we want to eat and drink and just
kick back for a while until heading over to Donny's house. Anyone else who
thinks this sounds like a good idea is invited to join us.
I don't know how to broadcast this notice to all the folks who are invited
to the BBQ, so, if someone else does, feel free to pass along the info.
Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!
All Best,
Corey Levenson
San Antonio TX
-------------------- 80 --------------------
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 20:47:33 -0700
From: Louise Francis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: California mini-reunion next weekend
I'll be at Alison's -- looking forward to it. A little sad I won't be in
H-o-H -- not only to see all of you who will be there, but to have a little
warmth! Was in Chicago last weekend -- sunny, 70 and 80 degree days --
Louise Francis
-------------------- 81 --------------------
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 20:59:19 -0700
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: A Message from Corey Levenson
I am bummed since I was just in Hastings and will miss this event. But I'll
attend the one in CA and maybe we can hook up on Skype since Alan is
bringing his computer to Donny's house.
Right, Alan?
-------------------- 82 --------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 09:37:54 -0400
From: Ann Deragopian Zanette <azanette56@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever -
AWESOME!!! I am so thrilled...and looking forward to this! Thank you to all
parties involved in making this reunion happen!
-------------------- 83 --------------------
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 10:10:22 -0400
From: gmora@mail.com (George Morabit)
Subject: Re: A Message from Corey Levenson
Hey All,
I'm coming. could someone send me via email donnies address. By the way I think it's huge that the Waterous family are opening their home to this bunch of maniacs.
-------------------- 84 --------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 07:25:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alison Kraft Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever - Broadcasting
I'm really looking forward to seeing all who can make the West Coast reunion! I think we're up to a dozen or so. If you know anyone out here - please pass the invitation on. Significant others are welcome, too (mine might even be here<grin>).
2pm - 8pm
1131 Suffolk Court, Los Altos
650 961-7989 (home)
650 279-6481 (cell)
Here's a list of who I know about: Alison Krafft Rempel, Nancy Waterous, Doug Nolan, Tim Brazil, Susan Anthony Roberts, Eve Abrahams Shutt, Dave Walters, Louise Francis, Gary Becker, Pat Sinatra, and maybe several Nethercotts.
Looking forward to seeing some live and in person and others via Skype!
-------------------- 85 --------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 18:35:15 +0000
From: skroback@cox.net
Subject: Re: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever - Broadcasting
Greetings from Arizona! Wish I could make it to the west coast reunion - I have been wanting to schedule one for years. Next time, can we do the LA area so I can drive over? Any LA alum willing to host?
Have a great time!
Judy Mucciolo Skroback
Class of '74
-------------------- 86 --------------------
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 21:27:38 -0400
From: caroline forcheskie lupo <carolinelupo@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: The First Transcontinental Hastings Alumni Party Ever -
VERY COOL, Alison! I think that is so terrific that the HOH WestCoasters are
not missing out on staying in touch!!!!
Caroline Forcheskie (Lupo)
-------------------- 87 --------------------
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 06:02:18 -0400
From: Nancy Maleska <nmaleska@optonline.net>
Subject: RE: A Message from Corey Levenson
11 Warren St. Thundershowers expected Sat. afternoon.....maybe the
Community Center will be open if it starts to rain & everyone is at the
-------------------- 88 --------------------
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 11:35:09 -0400
From: gmora@mail.com (George Morabit)
Subject: Re: A Message from Corey Levenson
Any chance of using the southside club billy k
-------------------- 89 --------------------
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 10:24:00 -0400
From: Laurel Kiorpes Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
Subject: RE: A Message from Corey Levenson
I'll have to send my regrets -- my now married son surprised me with a visit this weekend and I'll be staying in Ithaca. I'll miss all of you!
Have fun!
-------------------- 90 --------------------
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2010 13:07:39 -0400
From: Steven and Susan Stein Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
Subject: Reunion
I don't seem to have Donny Waterous' email, but on behalf of everyone,
thanks to Donny and Barbara for organizing this great event, the likes of
which I'm sure Hastings has not seen for a while.
See you all at the Class of "75 reunion in October which I believe is
October 23rd!! Homecoming!! I think all the ex-Hudsonettes should dance
for us.
Sue Stein Klubock
Also standing in for Ed Stein, class of "72
-------------------- 91 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 04:19:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vaughn Greg <dmcquickly@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Reunion
hehe, the Hudsonettes dancing. I second that.
-------------------- 92 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 08:45:54 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: They won't believe it...
You could tell people how great it was, but they wouldn't understand. Maybe
pictures will help .
Please send pictures of the Saturday Picnic. I will post them at
Thank you!
-------------------- 93 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 09:53:41 -0400
From: Mary Dalton <daltonm@vschsd.org>
Subject: RE: Reunion
Bring it on! Once a Hudsonette always a Hudsonette!
Mary Dalton
-------------------- 94 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 10:24:45 -0700
From: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: They won't believe it...
Yes, please send pictures! The west coast contingent only saw a very few of
By the way, Barbara Hope is compiling a list from memory of everyone who was
at her house. She may need some help... :)
-------------------- 95 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 17:30:49 -0400
From: <carolbeth@triad.rr.com> (Carol Tollefsen - Class '74)
Subject: Re: Reunion
HA ha! From a prior Hudsonette and past captain that would have been fun! Too bad I couldn't have made it - I'm down here in NC and my last daughter just graduated from H.S. this past weekend and I have another week of school! Hope you had fun! Carol
(Editor's Note: The call for Hudsonettes was for Homecoming this October 23rd. You can still make it.)
-------------------- 96 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 23:39:31 +0000
From: barbanddonny@optonline.net
Subject: Re: They won't believe it...
Thanks honey! We're over 80!
-------------------- 97 --------------------
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 09:38:57 -0400
From: Laurel Kiorpes Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
Subject: RE: Reunion
Well, if enough past Hudsonettes can attend, maybe we can pull something together by October -- let's see, Carol Tollefsen, Barbara Hope, me...anyone else care to step up? :)
I know I can't fit into those shorts anymore, though!
Laurel Kiorpes Parker, Class of '78
-------------------- 98 --------------------
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 23:29:29 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Reunion
Like the coast to coast Transcontinental video link between picnics last
weekend, I would like to propose something pretty fun and exciting for our
upcoming Reunion in October.
I have been communicating with Nancy Skultety Gagliardi about another school
tour for all of us during that weekend...
Nancy, would you be willing to help coordinate a Homecoming Halftime Show
split between the current Hudsonettes and a reunion of as many former
Hudsonettes as would be attending that weekend? (Rehearsal to be Friday night
in Maud's parking lot and Saturday morning if necessary at Reynolds before
the game?)
-------------------- 99 --------------------
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 07:49:26 -0400
From: Mary Dalton <daltonm@vschsd.org>
Subject: RE: Reunion
I'm in. Where are the rest of you?
PS I am NOT wearing a heart on my butt. Hated it then would really hate it now!
Maybe a yellowjacket.
Mary Dalton
-------------------- 100 --------------------
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 08:34:37 -0400
From: Rick Wester <rdw12bc@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Reunion
Hey Alan -
How about former Varsity Football players vs. the current crop also?
(Editor's Note: Would participate, but only if I can wear a heart on my butt.
-------------------- 101 --------------------
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:06:16 -0400
From: gmora@mail.com (George Morabit)
Subject: Re: Reunion
With the 4 crushed lumbar discs, two that I broke skiing, countless spurs in
my neck, 2 totally destroyed knees, 2 seperated shoulders, and over12 concussions
that I know of, 5 bouts with Lyme disease, and 2 bouts of cerebral Maleria,
sure, why not, I'm in for middle linebacker.
When do we play??
-------------------- 102 --------------------
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 11:18:36 +0000
From: barbanddonny@optonline.net (Donny & Barbara Hope Waterous)
Subject: Left Behind
A pair of sunglasses, one tupperware container, two bowls.
Photos and list of attendees to come!
-------------------- 103 --------------------
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 00:57:31 +0000 (GMT)
From: nan404@optonline.net (Nancy Skultety Gagliardi)
Subject: Re: Reunion
I'm sure the current students could use a good laugh. I would have to check
-it may have to be prior to the game. During halftime of the last home game,
the Hudsonettes kick, then there is the Senior Rose Ceremony. This usually takes
a bit longer than normal, so they have to get the OK from the officials as it
is. Sounds like a fun idea though.
Does everyone know that the Hudsonettes were started by a group of young ladies
who graduated in 1960. I got to meet with them 2 weeks ago. We took photos and
they sent me an "old" one.
A reunion would be fun!
The current uniforms are cheerleading skirts with tank tops, and a zip front
cropped jacket.
-------------------- 104 --------------------
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 18:49:59 +0000 (GMT)
From: barbanddonny@optonline.net (Donny & Barbara Hope Waterous)
Subject: Hastings Attendees
We've tried to recall those who attended last week - please feel free to edit. (Apologies for incomplete names!)
Mark Callahan
Alan Fine & Terri
Robin Chambers
Cindy Chambers
Ann Deragopian
Billy Richards
Barry Olsen & Ruth
Seth & Pam Reiser
Julie Hopkins Otis
Dave Otis
Stephanie Squillante
Marty Squillante
Ellen Gunther
Donna Kulsha
Dominick Cannavo
Mark Bingham
Jeff Edelman
Pete Edelman
Dan Lessing
Marc Janis
Julie Janis
Sue Huelsman
Amy Huelsman
John Blasetti
Carol Herd
Rob Weinberg
Gary Weinberg
Paul Martin
Debbie Kulsha Martin
Debbie Rowell & ___
Peter Callahan
Rich DeGaspari
George Morabit
John Morabit & ___
Eve Rosenberg
Debbie Pollack
Janet Carlsonn
Billy Kotiadis
Marea Kotiadis
Andy Ratzkin
Clint DeGanon
Maureen Slavin
Chip Whitehead & ___
Monica Ryan
Donna Drumm & ___
Corey Levenson & ___
Alexis Artel & ___
Mary Liz Chanwick
Alex Cornwall
Tim Collins
Julie Collins
Loretta Fleming
Greg Hall
Andy Ettinger
Gail Tino
Andrea Schiavone
Maryl Scheiner
Anna Capuano Tino
George Tino
Linda Capuano Simmons
Bobby Simmons
Marc Leaf
Dale Miller
Karen Miller
Paul Birgy & ___
Dan Billet
Steve Ho
Keith Marston
Don Maher
Rick Wester
Mark Feaster
Monica Porucznik
Deb Ryan
______ Becker (sorry!)
Renee Purse
John Rowell
-------------------- 105 --------------------
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 14:03:13 -0400
From: Mary Dalton <daltonm@vschsd.org>
Subject: RE: Reunion
Thanks Nancy. We are finally liberated!!!
-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 00:57:31 +0000 (GMT)
From: nan404@optonline.net (Nancy Skultety Gagliardi)
Subject: Re: Reunion
The current uniforms are cheerleading skirts with tank tops, and a zip front
cropped jacket.
-------------------- 106 --------------------
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:24:10 -0400
From: Ed Weinberg <edw@q5comm.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 21:35 -0400, Hastings Alumni Email Forum wrote:
> Rob Weinberg
> Gary Weinberg
Forgot one Weinberg
Edward J. Weinberg
-------------------- 107 --------------------
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:57:46 -0400
From: Renee Purse <purser@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
Joan Waryha Porter
Neil Flewellen
Todd Kasow
Val Shaff
Bennet Fischer and family
-------------------- 108 --------------------
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 23:45:21 EDT
From: JEBWILK@aol.com (Julie Blasberg)
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
Seems like Barbara Schmidt should get a special award for coming all the
way from Australia, instead of being left off the list. :-)
-------------------- 109 --------------------
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 07:50:03 -0400
From: Steven and Susan Klubock <sselklub@gmail.com>
Subject: Reunion
Hi Donny & Barbara. Don't know if you saw my email to Alan, but thank you
for hosting this event. It was amazing
Other attendees you may have missed?
Sue Stein Klubock & Steve
Nancy Newman & spouse
Liz Matthews
Amy Farber
Ed Weinberg
There were A LOT of people, & hard to see everyone once it got dark. My
fault for arriving on the later side.
Have a great summer & see you at our 35th.
Sue (aka Eddie's little sister)
-------------------- 110 --------------------
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 07:50:59 -0400
From: caroline lupo <carolinelupo@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: Hastings Attendees
Caroline Forcheskie ~ and Donny, my brother, Carl, told me that your Dad and
My Uncle Bert (who is from Shamokin PA), were together in the same unit in WWII!
Forcheskie is not a common name;)~ HOWEVER, I do have a great-cousin who is
in the BB Hall of Fame ~ I found his signed Baseball: Stanley Coveleskie, who
played on the Yankees with Babe Ruth & Lou Gerhig!!! My Great Grandmother
& his mother were sisters:)
-------------------- 111 --------------------
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 08:26:30 -0400
From: Ann Deragopian Zanette <azanette56@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: Hastings Attendees
Thank you Donny and Barbara - it was an amazing event...but then again ...it
always is when our HoH family reunites!! Special thanks to you both for hosting
and sharing your beautiful home with us all! Bennett Fischer and family also
attended and that would be "Cheryl" Becker..and Caroline Forcheskie.
A special thanks to Bill Richards for sharing fond memories of my brother Greg and their first jump from an aircraft.
Another special thanks to Alan...you are a special man...
Ann Deragopian
-------------------- 112 --------------------
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:44:08 -0400
From: Barry Olsen <barry@mandaramusic.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
Thanks again Barbara and Donny for such a great party!
It is Cheryl Becker whose first name is missing.
Debbie Rowell's husband is Allen Bushey.
I don't think Alexis Artel came with anyone, but his sister was there.
Katy Artel
Peter Davidian
Tom Charlap
Amy Agüero (class of '82) her brother Gabe was in my class ('77). She
was with a friend of around her age whose name I can't recall
Also I would like to clarify that Ruth Higgs who came with me to the
party is not my wife, nor is she from Hastings. It never occurred to
me that there would be any confusion about that because so many
Hastings people know Valerie Naranjo, my wife of 29 years. It wasn't
until we got there that I realized it was of course natural for people
who haven't seen me in a long time to assume we were a couple. Ruth
has been my good friend for 30 years. I invited her because she knows
so many people from Hastings, I knew she would have fun reconnecting
with some of HER old Hastings friends. I just thought I'd clarify that
to avoid confusion in the future.
Hope to see everyone again soon,
-------------------- 113 --------------------
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2010 17:13:45 -0400
From: nancy martin <sped20@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: Hastings Attendees
Nancy Martin Dukarm and her husband John
-------------------- 114 --------------------
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 20:26:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: cheryl becker <blessame56@optonline.net>
Subject: RE: Hastings Attendees
Hi ya'll its Cheryl Becker we all had a great time :) really fun we
hooked up with our California contingent as well !
-------------------- 115 --------------------
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 20:24:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
I'm so tempted to write "You mean nobody saw me there?"
But that would be childish, right?
-------------------- 116 --------------------
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 23:53:13 -0400
From: gmora@mail.com (George Morabit)
Subject: Thanks
I am so thankful to Donnie and Barbara for their wonderful spirit of giving,
especially in these tough times. I also would like to take this opportunity
to share blessings and protection for my schoolmates. My brother, John Morabit
is officially retired it has been a very emotional time for him, so I am very
glad that all things worked and that all of you wonderful people gave him such
an amazing gift of love and admiration. It really helped him get through this
emotional time. Once again thank you and God bless you all.
George Morabit
Class of 74
-------------------- 117 --------------------
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 17:35:51 +0000 (UTC)
From: i.mckirgan@comcast.net (Irene Rusnak McKirgan)
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
can someone tell me what the date is for the October reunion? Not sure if a final decision has been made and I haven't been keeping up with the emails..
thanks alot
-------------------- 118 --------------------
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 23:28:22 -0400
From: Alan Fine <alanfine@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
If there was any doubt on a Reunion date, the chance to have a Hudsonette (and
why not also
Hastings Cheerleader?) Reunion at a Homecoming game -- either before, during
halftime or after -- is just too good to miss. Plus Homecoming weekend will
add many more events than our open-to-all-classes Friday night drinks at
Maud's, Saturday School Tour / Picnic / Softball Game, Saturday Night
Optional Dinner at a Restaurant and drinks, Sunday Brunch / Pool Day. For
example, many teachers will return to Hastings that weekend to attend award
assemblies and other multi-class functions to which we will be invited via
this email server as they are planned.
So based on our previous voting, and the reasons listed above, our best bet
for the most interaction and fun is Homecoming Weekend, October 23rd, 2010.
Any objections?
-------------------- 119 --------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:33:34 +0000 (UTC)
From: i.mckirgan@comcast.net (Irene Rusnak McKirgan)
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
Sounds good to me - no objections.
Alan - can you just let us know if this is definite because Southwest is running some incredible deals right now and I wanted to go ahead and get my ticket. I'll wait to hear back from you.
(Editor's Note: Irene doesn't object. Any other last minute objections? If
not, this will be definite and we can start planning.
-------------------- 120 --------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 09:58:37 -0400
From: "Mary Liz Chanwick Sente" <msente@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Hastings Attendees
Count me in! (I love the idea of opening it up to the other classes!!)
I had such fun at Donny & Barbara's that I will come to the official one.
The party at Donny's was really a good time...thanks to all who made it
Mary Liz