1. From Jill P. Re: Remembering the UFW boycott
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
2. Re: from Jill P. re: email help please! HHS has disappeared!
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
3. Re: Re: from Jill P. re: email help please! HHS has disappeared!
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
4. Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
6. Re: response to Pat S. re: "same problem"
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
7. Re: Problems with emails from hastings@art-cetera.com
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
8. RE: response to Pat S. re: "same problem"
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
9. Re: Re: Problems with emails from hastings@art-cetera.com
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
10. Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
by: <jmshillinglaw@aol.com>
11. RE: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
12. Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
13. Summer Reunion
by: <Sselklub@aol.com>
14. Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
15. Re: Summer Reunion
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
16. RE: Summer Reunion
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
17. Re: Summer Reunion
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
18. Anyone want to come up here and shovel
by: Barry Symonds <BarryHome@rochester.rr.com>
19. Some sad news
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
20. Re: Anyone want to come up here and shovel
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
21. Re: Summer Reunion
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
22. Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
23. Re: Anyone want to come up here and shovel
by: <jmshillinglaw@aol.com>
24. Re: more Email Woes Thanks for morale booster re: my cold!
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
25. Benefit for Midnight Run World Music Concert
by: <Tltpearl5@aol.com>
26. Keith Olbermann in New York Magazine
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@astound.net>
27. Re: Keith Olbermann in New York Magazine
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
28. Keith
by: <Sselklub@aol.com>
29. Re: Keith
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
30. Re: reunion date
by: <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
31. Re: Keith Olbermann in New York Magazine
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
32. Re: Keith
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
33. Re: Re: reunion date
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
34. Re: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
by: Dr. Jill Padawer <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
35. Re: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
36. RE: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
37. Re: Picnic RSVP
by: Dr. Jill Padawer <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
38. Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
by: <Sselklub@aol.com>
39. Fwd: Drivers do the (gas) Math
by: <loretta8891@aol.com>
40. Re: Fwd: Drivers do the (gas) Math
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
41. Hello
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
42. Reunion
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
43. Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
44. Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
by: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
45. I figured it was a hoax...
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
46. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
47. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: <jmshillinglaw@aol.com>
48. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
49. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
50. HHS Alumni Party Sat June 2
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
51. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
52. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: Bisbee Breakfast Club <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
53. Re: I figured it was a hoax...
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
54. RE: Anyone going to be around end of July?
by: Barry Symonds <bsymond1@rochester.rr.com>
55. summer reunion
by: Dr. Jill Padawer <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
56. FW: Anyone going to be around end of July?
by: Barry Symonds <bsymond1@rochester.rr.com>
57. Our reunions are the yardstick
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
58. Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
59. RE: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@astound.net>
60. Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: Ralph Maggi <r.maggi@comcast.net>
61. streaking
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
62. Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
63. Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: Glenn Martin <glenn107@comcast.net>
64. Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
65. Re: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
66. Re: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
67. RE: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: Dave Richter <dave@richterintl.com>
68. RE: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
69. RE: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
-------------------- 1 --------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 20:44:31 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: From Jill P. Re: Remembering the UFW boycott
Hi Louise!
I've been meaning to contact you about several things. Right now in a big hurray
and only skimmed your email....yes, we did a slide show....I think I was the
main person who put it together...slides, music, a pre- mu lti-media multi-media
And we/I made a display that I think is still in my parents' attic re: farm workers & Chavez....the Good Yarns bookstore was about to open in a storefront on main(?) street - -not where they are now....across from Ran's (Hastings Stationery) and they let us put up the display in their window....amazing!.....ah...for the days when people didn't worry about liability!
Jean Z. and I (and maybe Molly or someone else) hung the display and had a great time posing in "frozen" positions when people came by, pretending we were manikins....people photographed us....wish I knew who...let me know if you hear of this....
meanwhile....easier to get me by phone cuz its icy here and my internet isn't
working at home....
my # is (617) 926-0028 or (617) 835-9949 (c).....CALL!!!!
I'd love to talk.
And I'll try to remember more about slide show....amazing thing is that I'd
recently told my parents I wanted to retrieve it from attic and hoped it hadn't
been tossed!
Talk to you soon!
-------------------- 2 --------------------
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:09:33 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: from Jill P. re: email help please! HHS has disappeared!
Dear anyone:
Any computer-savvy folks out there that might help me figure our why I've not
received any HHS emails since 2/15/07? My email address is : rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com.
Please help! I miss the HHS communications--also, any way I might "retrieve
those sent between Feb 15th and now?
I'd greatly appreciate any thoughts/suggestions.
Jill Padawer
ph: (617) 835-9949
-------------------- 3 --------------------
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:35:13 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Re: from Jill P. re: email help please! HHS has disappeared!
It's Alan. I might know something about this... :)
Please make sure hastings@art-cetera.com is not filtered as spam by your service provider. You will have to call them.
As for old emails, they are all saved at www.art-cetera.com/hastings. Just click on the "Email Message Board" link on the left side.
I used to archive them up there after 20 came in. That was back when I had time on my hands. Now I wait for at least 100 to come through.
I just did a posting, so the ones up there are pretty recent. Please note, it is a treasure trove of old messages dating back to 5/9/99!
-------------------- 4 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:59:43 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
Hi Alan,
Thanks so much for your speedy response. I'll check with my ISP but I would
doubt that's the problem since I get a message when I log on if they have determined
that something is spam. Also strange since I have been getting the emails up
until Feb 15th. I'll try to reach them by phone, but any other thoughts about
this? I'm trying to send out a message today to Hastings folks to see if anybody
knows of someone reliable and reasonable who can shovel snow for my parents
on Villard--in case you can forward this to the site, would you mind? Thanks
so much!
Dear Hastings area alumni-
Does anybody know of a reliable, reasonable person who might shovel snow for
my parents, Mimi & Jacques Padawer, on Villard Ave? They've had someone
for years who recently changed jobs. Any ideas on this short notice given today's
storm? Or, if not for this storm, any ideas for the future?
If so, please call my parents directly (914)479-5322 or call me (Jill) (617)
835-9949. If anyone can refer someone reliable, I'd greatly appreciate it--
I'd prefer if you don't give out their number, but rather if you'd call them
with the referral.
Thanks so much!!!!
Jill Padawer (in Boston area)
-------------------- 5 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 12:19:16 -0800
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
I have the same problem.
If anyone knows of someone, please let us both know! What ever happened to
Y.E.S.? (the Youth Employment Service.)
-------------------- 6 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:36:44 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: response to Pat S. re: "same problem"
Hi Pat!
I think I might know a bit about Y.E.S. I believe that Nancy Skultedy Gagliardi
directed it for years but I think (obviously she can best confirm this) she
has changed jobs. I don't know who is now doing it. I was hoping for a more
personal referral (i.e., from someone we know, since at least in my area there
a some shady characters and unfortunately some unreliable and over-charging
high school students who do shovelling! Ever since the blizzards of '05, the
high school kids in Cambridge, MA seem to have mastered economics of supply
and demand and are seriously taking advantage of senior citizens on limited
incomes! Hopefully, the same is not occurring in our dear H-on-H, but I figured
I'd check with alumni--also, most High School kids don't like to shovel these
days...I'd expect more likely an adult with a snowblower and business.
On another note, are you set for lodgings when you come to Boston in May? Sorry
I was unable to get you more info back in January....I got stranded in Florida
(good place to be stranded when it was the coldest January I recall in Boston).
Let me know if you still need ideas re: lodgings.
It looked like you'd found a good situation from what I recall. I'm still not
sure if I'll be in town when you come--check with me!
Jill Padawer
-------------------- 7 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:57:59 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: Problems with emails from hastings@art-cetera.com
<STYLE>body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color:
#ffffff;color: black;}</STYLE>
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2963" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<P>Hi Eric!</P>
<P>I didn't know you are in Mount Kisco! How nice.
Thanks so so much. I will see if the same is happening with mindspring/earthlink.
Meanwhile, something else funny is now happening--and only with emails I send
to <A href="mailto:hastings@art-cetera.com">hastings@art-cetera..com</A>......
the emails I sent out today are showing up both in my "sent" box and
my "inbox"---and only with HHS....other emails I've sent are showing
up as they should only in sent box. Does this offer you
any other clue re: what might be going on? From my absolutely computer-naive
thinking, it seems perhaps this is specifically related to the <A href="mailto:hastings@art-cetera.com">hastings@art-cetera.com</A>
ISP? Come to think of it, what would the ISP be--I can't tell from
the email address. Ideas?</P>
<DIV id=compText><BR><BR><BR>
#0000ff 2px solid">-----Original Message----- <BR>From: Eric Zaidins
<EZAIDINS@GMAIL.COM><BR>Sent: Mar 16, 2007 3:39 PM <BR>To:
Alan Fine <AFINE@ART-CETERA.COM>, rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com <BR>Subject:
Problems with emails from hastings@art-cetera.com <BR><BR>Hi Alan
& Jill,<BR><BR>For what it's worth, I run a bunch of ListServ
email lists. I just resolved a similar problem with AOL. <BR><BR>In
our case, the IP addresses that are used for sending and routing email were
being screened and rejected by AOL as spam (not getting caught in the addressee's
spam filter) and not getting through at all. The way I resolved it
was by going onto AOL's postmaster's site and registering, or "White Listing"
the IP addresses. It took a little doing but after two days I was able to get
AOL to clear it. We've had similar problems with Optonline and Comcast. Mindspring
may be doing the same thing. <BR><BR>Warmest regards,<BR><BR>e<BR><BR>====================<BR>Eric
Zaidins<BR>23 Peck Road<BR>Mt. Kisco, NY 10549<BR>914-241-8714<BR><A
href="http://www.nyspedlaw.com" target=_blank>www.nyspedlaw.com</A><BR><BR><BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></BODY>
-------------------- 8 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 13:28:37 -0800
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: response to Pat S. re: "same problem"
I hear what you are saying. It is a bit daunting managing an older parent
when you are miles away.
I am staying either at a BNB or the Marriott-registered at both for safe
keeping, but will be cancelling one. I am teaching two courses but would
like to get together so I am tied up March 4, 5, 6th during the day.
-------------------- 9 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 16:13:08 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Re: Problems with emails from hastings@art-cetera.com
Eric, thanks for the tech support. Time consuming to fix, yes. Thankfully, judging by Jill's responses, the filtering problem has been resolved.
Jill, the reason you have a copy of your class emails in both the Inbox and Sent folder is that once you send your email to the class, our server then sends it to everyone enrolled to receive class emails, including yourself! Receiving that email is your proof everyone else received it as well.
Have a good weekend everyone.
-------------------- 10 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 18:21:55 -0400
From: jmshillinglaw@aol.com
Subject: Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
So where are all the kids on Villard who want to make money shoveling snow?
I used to make some good money when I did it many, many years ago. Unfortunately
I think my snow shoveling days are over, or so my back tells me when I try it
-------------------- 11 --------------------
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 18:51:11 -0800
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
Perhaps many don't need to work.
-------------------- 12 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 06:17:03 -0400
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
Sadly it is very difficult to find kids these days who are willing to
shovel snow, rake leaves or, mow lawns. I know when I was a kid back in
Hastings if there was no school due to snow, if my brother and I didn't
do our driveway and at least two neighbors driveways, there would be
hell to pay with my father.
Nowadays this work is done by hardworking folks from south of the border
while our kids sit in front of a computer and get fat.
Sure is a different world than the one we grew up in.
Jim K
-------------------- 13 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:28:48 EDT
From: Sselklub@aol.com
Subject: Summer Reunion
Hi all. Sorry, I'm swamped with work these days. Not much email.
Is there still a question about having a reunion this summer? If so, then I
am assigning Julie & Greg to pick 3 weekends, ask Nicky or David to inquire
the Mystery guy is available.
Then Alan can put up a quick vote on the website, & date is chosen.
I'm around except July 28th.
Good luck.
-------------------- 14 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 16:13:49 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
If anyone remembers my house, up on a hill off lefurgy avenue, you'll remember the seemingly MILES of sidewalk I had to shovel...not to mention the drive way.
What Jim says is true. When we were in high school, it was easy to find parking right in front. Now, all the streets are filled with parked cars for blocks around! EVERYONE seems to drive. My son Joshua is 16 and he is in 10th grade. Its amazing how many heavy kids there are. One interesting social change on this...'fat kids' don't kid picked on any more for being overweight: they simply rule the school yard!
-------------------- 15 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 16:15:46 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Summer Reunion
Anytime July or August is fine for me.
-------------------- 16 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:49:46 -0800
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Summer Reunion
Me, too. I would love to find a reason to visit.
-------------------- 17 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 15:52:15 EDT
From: JEBWILK@aol.com
Subject: Re: Summer Reunion
Ok, I'll bite. Even though my suggestions to date have only elicited
criticism and given the suggestions of July or August, I would suggest the weekend
of August 4th or the weekend of August 11th. I don't have a third suggestion
since kids in Florida go back to school earlier than the rest of the country
and we are not available in June or July.
-------------------- 18 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 17:38:29 -0400
From: "Barry Symonds" <BarryHome@rochester.rr.com>
Subject: Anyone want to come up here and shovel
Rochester has been getting it's fair share of snow this year. We've had
over 100 inches of snow. Jamie, if you get tired of shoveling down there I
could use the help. Of course, nothing can even compare to Oswego (about an
hour east of Rochester). They got 5 feet of snow over the course of one
week. I'll be thankful when Spring comes in a couple of months.
-------------------- 19 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 15:18:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: Some sad news
Anne Lindner passed away this week after a long battle with cancer. Some of you will remember Anne from YES or St Matt's. Her five kids were all younger; the oldest, John, was class of '80. He still lives in Hastings and is a firemen as was his dad (also a NYC cop). Anne and Jack retired to Delaware not too far from my parents so we got to continue the friendship from Euclid Avenue.
While on a sad note, my dad, Ted Krafft, passed away in the fall from an anuerysm. The shock is greater, but going fast at 80 is a good way to do it. My sympathies to everyone dealing with long illnesses.. We just had a memorial service in the town where my folks spend winters. All 5 kids were together and, despite the reason, it was really fun to have all the siblings together.
Best to all,
Alison Krafft Rempel
-------------------- 20 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 22:57:11 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Anyone want to come up here and shovel
Where I live in California, it actually got down 51 degrees! I didn't know WHAT to do...my closet has a sweatshirt in there someplace, now, if I can only find it...
-------------------- 21 --------------------
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 19:22:48 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Summer Reunion
I'm slowly going to "semi-retire" from all the extra projects I do, and then I will have time to perform my reunion chores. The earliest would be mid to late April. Please be patient or just figure it all out using this email forum. I'll show up and promote via the web anything you tell me.
-------------------- 22 --------------------
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:12:58 +0000 (GMT)
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: from Jill P. re: THANKS ALAN. Further question for you.
Hi All! My boys still shovel snow for us and neighbors, but wherever we move snow seems to lessen or stop. When we lived in Littleton, Colorado for 6 years, it snowed significantly maybe 4 times in total. This year I'm sure everyone has heard about all the blizzards causing airport delays as far away as London! Now that we're in NJ, we are just south of Belmar and whenever snow/sleet/rain mix is predicted, the news always shows Belmar as the cut off point for the snow. Maybe we should move somewhere that they want less snow and try to make a living out of it! Actually, as we speak, we have about 2 inches of snow on the ground from Friday, but this is really the most snow we've had this winter. Unbelievable. Remember in Hastings how much snow we had, and deep - and how they NEVER (almost) closed school!! (A side note-Maryland has had the most snow and ice in recent years of all the places we've lived, and it is south of the Mason Dixon line-isn't that ironic?)
Good with to all
Anne Kapfer Fahey
-------------------- 23 --------------------
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:22:11 -0400
From: jmshillinglaw@aol.com
Subject: Re: Anyone want to come up here and shovel
Thanks for the offer on snow shoveling. I think I'll pass. That's why we moved
into our development in Irvington....they have snow removal service. I tried
doing it myself the other day and I'm out of practice! And my son Greg, even
though he keeps telling me he needs money, doesn't seem to recognize the financial
opportunity! Enjoy Rochester...the Lilac festival is just around the corner!
-------------------- 24 --------------------
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 19:01:46 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: more Email Woes Thanks for morale booster re: my cold!
<STYLE>body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color:
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<DIV id=compText>
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<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3059" name=GENERATOR>
<DIV>Hi Eric,</DIV>
<DIV>It is E-mail woes galore. I've been too sick to get to
bottom of problem with HHS stuff (am clinging to your email like a security
blanket anticipating it'll help solve it)...and on top of that had a problem
with my ISP that resulted in them bouncing my emails back to senders ....couldn't
be worse timing!. So, no HHS emails since snow storm and I don't know
if its cuz the site is quiet or if I'm not receiving them.
Only if you have a moment (no rush)...any emails sent to HHS folks since my
snow shoveling request? I'd expect so, but don't follow the site closely,
so I don't know if this is typical. </DIV>
<DIV>Jill P.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>To all at HHS:</DIV>
<DIV>P.S. I loved the chat that got started re: snow shoveling....my
parents had people come up to them at Food Emporium or whatever it is now called
and say "I heard you're looking for snow shoveling?"....people our
parents' generation whose kids (our peers) hadn't spoken on our site....it at
least provided good humor and they did ultimately get help (my brother-in-law)
but thanks to all for the suggestions!<BR><BR><BR></DIV>
#0000ff 2px solid">-----Original Message----- <BR>From: Eric Zaidins
<EZAIDINS@GMAIL.COM><BR>Sent: Mar 20, 2007 6:31 PM <BR>To:
rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com <BR>Subject: Re: Email Woes <BR><BR>Hope
you feel better soon!<BR><BR>
<DIV><SPAN class=gmail_quote>On 3/20/07, <B class=gmail_sendername><A
href="mailto:rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com" target=_blank>rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com</A></B>
<<A href="mailto:rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com" target=_blank>
rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com</A>> wrote:</SPAN>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=gmail_quote style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0pt
0pt 0pt 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(204,204,204) 1px solid">
<P>Dear Eric,</P>
<P>Sorry I haven't responded yet to your WONDERFULLY helpful e-mail.
I've had a terrible cold and had limited time on computer yesterday, with serious
<P>Still rushing now. So, haven't been able to try your suggestions
yet. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your generous help.</P>
<P>I am now getting some HHS stuff, but not clear if it is consistent
and also, haven't figured out what happened to the gap/missing ones from Feb.
15th through March 15th....strange. Just realized that my receiving
problems began the first time I ever wrote a message on the site...sent a response
to Louise Francis' questions re: farm workers....perhaps another clue to the
problem.... </P>
<P>Thanks again. I'll keep you posted.</P>
<P>Jill </P>
<DIV><SPAN class=e id=q_11171671906c2f9e_1>
rgb(0,0,255) 2px solid">-----Original Message----- <BR>From: Eric
Zaidins <BR>Sent: Mar 20, 2007 9:00 AM <BR>To: Jill Padawer <BR>Subject:
Email Woes <BR><BR>Hey Jill!<BR><BR>How are you? <BR><BR>Sorry
about my rambling email from last week (I was trying to be thorough). Just thought
I'd check in to see if you were able to get the email issues resolved. Any luck?<BR><BR>e<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></SPAN></DIV></DIV></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV></BODY>
-------------------- 25 --------------------
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:34:08 EDT
From: Tltpearl5@aol.com
Subject: Benefit for Midnight Run World Music Concert
Hi Everyone,
Barry Olsen (HHS' '77) is playing in a benefit concert for Midnight Run on
April 29th in Hastings. Check out the poster on _www.art-cetera.com/hastings_
(http://www.art-cetera.com/hastings) or call Lisa 674-2426 for details.
Hope to see you there!
-------------------- 26 --------------------
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:50:57 -0700
From: "Nancy Waterous" <nwaterous@astound.net>
Subject: Keith Olbermann in New York Magazine
In case you all may have missed this:
a good piece on Keith - Hastings isn't mentioned by name, but Keith sure has some bad memories of how he was treated in school... does anyone remember a sign up sheet for beating him up???
-------------------- 27 --------------------
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 19:26:21 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Keith Olbermann in New York Magazine
There was an issue with social rejection, I think. When I was in 6th of 7th grade, my parents MADE ME go to Keith's birthday party. It seemed my gang wanted nothing to do with Keith. I don't know the specific reasons. He was, if memory servers, large and dumpy, wore button up shirts. The kind of thing kids rag on big time. I remember we used to make fun of Steven Bordy's shiny black shoes, but it never led to anything physical.
-------------------- 28 --------------------
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:03:04 EDT
From: Sselklub@aol.com
Subject: Keith
No, I don't remember a sign-up sheet for beating up Keith. We wrote a few
plays together in 3rd grade; Keith, Alan & myself. Then I lost touch w/
But interestingly enough - Hastings is not mentioned in the article; just
Westchester, & Hackley.
There was an article in the Cornell alumni news last month, & the article
stated that Keith was from TARRYTOWN. Now I'm wondering if he does not want
give Hastings any credit for his early education.
He seemed to be quite a loner at Cornell, & spent most of his time at the
radio station. Was it because he loved it so much, or is that the only part
College he really liked?
Keith always marched to the beat of his own drum, but maybe he only liked his
own drum. Maybe he didn't like or trust anyone else.
As they say, it's lonely at the top, even for Keith maybe. But I admire what
he has done, how he has done it, and maybe he is not as different as some of
us from Hastings thought he was. We all have some scars, and we have all
dealt w/ them in different ways.
Did anyone pick a reunion date? How am I supposed to invite Keith??
Happy Tax Day.
a geeky accountant
-------------------- 29 --------------------
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:50:25 EDT
From: JEBWILK@aol.com
Subject: Re: Keith
I personally gave up on actually hoping we'd all get together on picking a
date and just put in for vacation from August 4-11th. I will be in NY
sometime during that week with my family and if I can get together with any
of you,
that'd be great!
Happy Tax Day to you too,
from the "dark side"
IRS agent
-------------------- 30 --------------------
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 19:09:58 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com
Subject: Re: reunion date
I haven't been part of the ongoing 50th bday reunion discussion, nor have I read it, so forgive me if this has already been discussed....I noticed that at some point (not sure how long ago) somebody suggested coordinating the reunion and perhaps subsequent ones with the June Waterfront festival. I think that's a great idea for several reasons....scheduling could be easier for many, since so many of us take summer vacations that can't always be adjusted for summer reunions, and for those with kids on the West Coast and Florida (and perhaps elsewhere?) with school starting earlier, and those with summer sports programs requiring kids to be at home by mid-August, etc.--plus, I've heard that Waterfront festival is wonderful and it'd be a real taste of Hastings old and new. I realize that schools don't end til late June and so this could be difficult for West Coasters flying in for a weekend....but, seems that the summer planning means many can't come either....what do others think?
Jill P.
-------------------- 31 --------------------
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 23:35:17 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Keith Olbermann in New York Magazine
Psychologists would tell us that this rejection became the fuel for his later success. That, and getting underpaid for shoveling snow. So take heart--you may actually have had something to do with Keith's tremendous success! Or not...
It doesn't snow as much here as it does back east. This part of Michigan (west side, Grand Rapids) gets light snowfall over the course of a couple of days, amounting to maybe 3 inches on average. Closer to Lake Michigan, and in the county south of us, they get dumped on with lake effect snow, but the odd geography of the Lake prevents the larger lake effect bands from reaching us. Thankfully, The Big Lake runs north-south in its longest measurement, not east-west like Lakes Erie and Ontario. First, it'd wipe Milwaukee off the map. But also, as long as it is, we'd have some lake effect storms of BIblical proportions. Wait, it didn't snow in the Bible, did it? Well, of Ice Age proportions then.
-------------------- 32 --------------------
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 23:45:59 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Keith
Well, I always say I'M from Tarrytown, too. (Not really.)
That loner tag might not be accurate, but just a perception belonging to Cornell folks not connected with the radio station. At college I spent a lot of my time (free and when I should have been at class/studying) at the radio station. It may be that, to the Cornell population as a whole, he seemed like a loner, but if it was anything like the Brockport station, you were never alone. Radio people hung out with other radio people. We just gravitated to each other. Truthfully, the funniest and funnest people I met at college were all from the station--I never met anyone in any of my classes that interested me.
It would be very strange going to a college reunion. Other than a couple of people from Hastings and Great Neck (where I went to elementary/middle school), I didn't make any connection with the campus beyond the station. I definitely wasn't a loner--I doubt Keith was, either. It's just that the station felt like home, the way the Rathskellar felt like home to the bar rats, etc. In fact, I recall going down to the Rat only a couple of times--always with a bunch of other people from the station. Same was true when I went out "on the town" in Brockport.
Undoubtedly anyone who knew of me outside the station thought of me as a loner--they never saw me except in classes. I have almost no recollection of college that doesn't include radio staff, the station, or broadcasting. On the other hand, I remember very fondly Don Wynes, with whom I had a terrific relationship (Barry knows him, coincidentally), and Paul Barsky, an injured baseball player-turned-dj who eventually made it big in Philly, and a guy named Jeff whom we all adored but who left school halfway through his fourth year of college (what would have been his senior year if he'd actually gone to class more often) because of a girl. There was the hottest girl on campus who worked as our receptionist/female commercial voice, and maybe that had a little to do with us constantly being in the station.
You get new albums in almost before they hit the stores. People on-air have great senses of humor. It's an enormously creative environment. Nah, Keith wasn't a loner. He just found the one place where he felt accepted, valuable, and befriended, and why leave?
-------------------- 33 --------------------
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 20:43:35 -0400
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Re: reunion date
I think the archived email record will show I agreed with you initially. I was trying to instigate just such a combined event, but then there was a discussion about June being too soon for a number of classmates (working teachers or classmates with kids still in school) and it was left that local people and people who couldn't make the 50th birthday bash would go to the June 2nd fundraiser. Those who could go to both, would. (I will try.)
That said, have things changed out there?...
Seeing as I still don't have disposable time to poll the group for a date, I LOVE that Julie put it all on the line and chose one herself. I'm ready to fall in line. Anyone disagree, SPEAK UP NOW PLEASE. And speak up on which weekend we should use? August 3,4,5 or August 10,11,12?
Whatever weekend we decide, those or others, UNLESS SOMEONE SUGGESTS AND TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR NEW EVENTS, I propose and will flesh out the following low up-front cost events based on our previous "research:"
FRIDAY AFTERNOON - School tour (if it can be arranged) or hike through Hillside woods
FRIDAY NIGHT- Maud's for 50th Birthday Party dinner and/or drinks
SATURDAY DAY - 50th Birthday Party Picnic at whatever park we can reserve (or the "Glenn Martin's" American Legion Hall if it rains)
SATURDAY NIGHT- 50th Birthday Party at Harvest, or the new restaurant at 19 Main, or something someone cooks up (Billy? Niki?)
SUNDAY MORNING - 50th Birthday Party Breakfast at the Center Restaurant (or watching the teachers play stickball behind the school and brunch with them at Maud's at 1PM)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON - 50th Birthday Party at the pool and/or hike Hillside woods
SUNDAY NIGHT- 50th Birthday Party at some bar somewhere (or that murder mystery, Niki?)
MONDAY - School tour (if Friday didn't work out)
TUESDAY - begin planning our 60th Birthday Party
As we know more, I'll start updating the website so we can all be on the same page at the same time. (Forgive me, but I will be slower at that than in years past. Hoping to semi-retire by the summer though and only work 40 hour weeks.)
Okay. Someone run with this please...
-------------------- 34 --------------------
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 14:58:11 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: "Dr. Jill Padawer" <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
Hi all re: reunion date:
Don't know if anything's been decided, but just wanted to say I almost definitely
cannot do either August 3,4,5 or August 10,11,12.....will most likely be away
at a conference then.
Of those two options, however, the most likely for me to be able to make is
a bit of time the weekend of Aug 3, 4, 5. I'd prefer other weekends altogether
though, since I likely can't make it either of those weekends. I am going to
try to come to H-on-H for the June Waterfront festival though. Are others planning
to be there? How/where would we get together?
Jill P.
-------------------- 35 --------------------
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 14:03:45 -0400
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
Uh oh. Two weeks went by and no one said anything against Julie's locked dates. I thought they stuck. I hate that those days are hard for Jill. I'm glad that she has a little leeway Aug 3, 4, 5.
Are there any others out there that feel strongly one way or another? Speak now or forever miss spending a symbolic 50th birthday with people who actually played "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" on your earliest birthdays.
(Speaking of which, I really want us to do shit like that. Ailing adults playing like kids again with lots of party games. Twister. Smacking pinatas. Charades? Pictionary? Trivial Pursuit? Bowling? [Spin the bottle for those unmarried?] Sheet cakes with candles. Pizza. Ice cream. Dumb party hats and noise makers might be going too far, but I'd consider it.)
Thoughts? And please don't forget to respond on the dates.
-------------------- 36 --------------------
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 11:45:42 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
Alan et al.,
I don't appear to be getting all the emails about reunion dates (I know
I can look in the archive, but my 50-year-old brain gets too tired
seeing the volume). I hope there will be a decision soon, as I don't
think I can make any of the dates discussed, but I do want to know when
it is, in case my schedule frees up. I will not be able to make the June
Now that 50 is behind me I can say it's interestingly liberating. Happy
birthday to those who reach it in May (and to Nancy W., whose April
birthday I will always remember ... at least until I get Alzheimers).
P.S. to Alan: I'll be in touch when I return from traveling (after
-------------------- 37 --------------------
Date: Mon, 7 May 2007 18:43:40 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: "Dr. Jill Padawer" <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: Picnic RSVP
Thanks Alan for the info re: Hastings Youth Council picnic and the Jeff Edelman
HHS alumni gala gathering. And thanks Jeff for the ambitious event. Sounds great!
I'm almost definitely going to come to Hastings for it (need to be sure I can
change a prior commitment, but hopefully it'll work). Shall we plan for an additional
informal gathering of our class (and any others who wish to attend from other
classes) that weekend? Are others planning to attend?
Jill P.
-------------------- 38 --------------------
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 20:54:04 EDT
From: Sselklub@aol.com
Subject: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
Twister may be dangerous for those with bad backs, or who do not stretch
I can think of many derivatives of "Pin the tail on the donkey" but
I will
not list them here....
Aug. 3,4,5 is great for me. Steve has his annual softball tournament, so I
am free!!!
-------------------- 39 --------------------
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 00:13:10 -0400
From: loretta8891@aol.com
Subject: Fwd: Drivers do the (gas) Math
This makes sense to me...let's get it out there and see if we can have an
Be well,
-----Original Message-----
From: kahluao@yahoo.com
To: poppydoc9@aol.com; scovino@luxmac.com; Alicia-ny@hotmail.fr; anyawallach@gmail.com;
Maicasa61@yahoo.com; Autmlvs615@aol.com; Erikswish@aol.com; carsonadler@comcast.net;
rberman@ix.netcom.com; carolkirkman@yahoo.com; CGazzetta@aol.com; Loretta8891@aol.com;
CurtsSis@aol.com; coopermull@optonline.net; danamarieread@hotmail.com; methreepio@aol.com;
dean@lazytown.com; GriffisinPaso@Charter.Net; Heidep99@aol.com; Info@Compositingexpert.com;
janinemolinari@aol.com; jmurphy@themastersschool.com; julie@westwood6168.fslife.co.uk;
sparkle7@bestweb.net; klabun9@aol.com; ksmythe@hvc.rr.com; erindawn@optonline.net;
LizACrom@aol.com; lrn2sng@yahoo.com; mamaroze05@aol.com; markmaur@optonline.net;
maryewheeler@hotmail.com; mauria@rpi.edu; mayakrinsky@gmail.com; mollybway@aol.com;
mullrich19@comcast.net; nancycarson@earthlink.net; nicolemm@gmail.com; nyadnil@aol.com;
winnersedge@surfglobal.net; paulkpadua@hotmail.com; queenmab@bestweb.net; rob@frameworkswine.com;
mary@otherhandproductions.com; wonderboy81@juno.com; rbalcells@gmail.com; samjf@earthlink.net;
sblev99@yahoo.com; sportsleev@aol.com; styleguy14@yahoo.com; topdownmom@aol.com;
TriKounty@aol.com; jtimlin@manhattanmortgage.com; verhoest@aol.com; likethis@earthlink.net;
Sent: Tue, 8 May 2007 12:00 AM
Subject: Fwd: Drivers do the (gas) Math
Note: forwarded message attached.
Attached Message From: carol_mauriello@hotmail.com
To: kahluao@yahoo.com
Subject: Drivers do the (gas) Math
Date: Mon, 7 May 2007 11:46 AM
Please share this idea with as many people as you can.....
This was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came from one of his engineer
buddies who retired from Halliburton. If you are tired of the gas prices going
up AND they will continue to rise this summer, take time to read this please.
Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea. This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the
"don't buy gas on a certain day" campaign that was going around last
April or May!
It's worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!!!
I hear we are going to hit close to $ 4.00 a gallon by next summer and it might
go higher!! Want gasoline prices to come down?
We need to take some intelligent, united action. The oil companies just laughed
at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves
by refusing to buy gas.
It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever
thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can Really work. Please read
on and join with us!
By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.50 is super cheap.
Me too! It is currently $2.79 for regular unleaded in my town.
Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think
that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50 - $1.75, we need to take
aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace..not sellers.
With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take
The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone
in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting
How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas.
But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price
Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from
the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL.
If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices.
If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and Mobil
gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep
reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!
I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more
(30 x 10 = 300) ... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)...and
so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have
reached over THREE MILLION consumers.
If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then
30 million people will have been contacted!
If it goes one level further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!!
Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all!
How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more
people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be
contacted within the next 8 days!!!
I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting
together we can make a difference.
If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. I suggest that we not
Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live!
AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from
AOL at AOL.com.
-------------------- 40 --------------------
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 05:24:11 -0400
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Drivers do the (gas) Math
It makes more sense to invest in fuel efficient automobiles, alternative
fuel sources and better mass transportation...something we were talking
about when we were all doing our Joy City projects thirty years ago!
Jim K
-------------------- 41 --------------------
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 10:45:47 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Hello
Dear classmates,
I have tried to contact this site with little luck and I consider myself fairly
computer literate.
One of the business people in my small town of Bisbee alerted me to your site
and I was surprised to see myself featured. I'm flattered to think so many people
remember me so many years ago. It is humerous to hear the perceptions classmates
had of me. I have become used to being out of step with most of the people around
me, a product of moving so much and having to constantly re-establish relationships.
What a great thing for so many of you to have remained in touch and friends
after so many years.
Hello Jan and Nancy, I do remember you both as friends.
I would love to be able to come to Hastings for the reunion but with a restaurant
it's so hard to break away. My husband and I work the restaurant and it is all
encompassing. We we're the small restaurant featured in last months Gourmet,
The Bisbee Breakfast Club, we do have a web site with the same name.
Isn't it interesting how lives are intertwined and continue to pop up through
out life. It would be so fun to hear all your stories.
Take care all,
Heather Schmeltz Grimm
-------------------- 42 --------------------
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 10:49:17 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Reunion
Dear Classmates,
I am getting the updates on the reunion but have not been able to contact you
all through the e-mail link.
Hope this gets through, would love to say hi to Jan S. and Nancy W. and hear
everyones story.
Take care,
Heather Schmeltz Grimm
Bisbee Breakfast Club
Bisbee, AZ
-------------------- 43 --------------------
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 10:51:42 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
Dear Classmates,
I have attempted to e-mail through a few avenues without success.
Would love to say hi and hear everyones story.
Hope this gets through.
Sincerely, Heather Schmeltz Grimm
Bisbee Breakfast Club
Bisbee, AZ
-------------------- 44 --------------------
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 14:59:06 -0700
From: David Walters <dave.walters@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: reunion date & June H-on-H festival
Hi Heather! Greetings. You, and other missing alumni, have often been
the topic of conversation for the class of '75.
I've only heard great things about Brisbee from friends who have visited
it. Your place seems like a real institution in this small town. It's
very nice. Very reasonable prices also! I particularly like the Sonoran
burger. Hope you stay in touch and can attend some of the happenings in
This has to be you on the right in this picture:
David Walters
-------------------- 45 --------------------
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 0:41:58 -0400
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: I figured it was a hoax...
I figured it was a hoax. Like the Neiman-Marcus Cookie recipe. Like Bill Gates giving us money. We switched from an anonymous web-based system to an email-based one to prevent this sort of thing getting through. I moderated every email until the "Email Explosion of '06" when I backed away and let things run itself. Still, every month hundreds of spam emails sent to hastings@art-cetera.com are trapped by software and never get any farther than my computer.
So on my way home from work today, I was hit with a flurry of emails allegedly from Heather Schmeltz Grimm. Someone hacked in, I thought. What else could this be? I would get to the bottom of it, and fast.
Almost at my door, I recevied David Walters' email, in which he seemed to buy the bogus message hook, line and sinker. How embarrassing, I thought. And how would I break it to everyone when I did the forensics and learned Heather wasn't Heather?...
Well, I looked over the computer and its software, and based on my preliminary findings, here is what I have to say...
We should move the 50th Birthday Sunday Morning Breakfast from the Center Restaurant to the Bisbee Breakfast Club....
Nice to have you back, Heather.
If you want to learn people's stories and how to contact them directly, please visit the "Database" under "Class of '75 Stuff" on the bottom left. Many keep that updated. (Those who want to update their listings should email me. That includes you, Heather.) I have put the pictures we have of you on our "Alumni Scrapbook" page, but we could use more recent ones of you and your family.
And before I forget... You absolutely MUST use the "Search this Site" link and type in your first name.
Welcome home. I hope your life is enriched by sharing and participating with all of us.
-------------------- 46 --------------------
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 07:23:11 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
No hoax, I thought it was just my computer illiteracy to blame for not
being able to make contact. It's sounding a little like an X file episode,
trying to make contact and get to the truth!
You are all welcome any time to check the restaurant out, I will write
more now that we've broken the spam barrier. Mother's day weekend is always
hectic in our (me and Pat my husband) line of work.
Until later, take care all.
-------------------- 47 --------------------
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 17:21:31 -0400
From: jmshillinglaw@aol.com
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
After seeing the photo of Heather, how could you think it was a hoax? She was
quite easy to recognize even today! But it was pretty incredible to hear from
her after all this time. And Heather, if you're reading this, my sister Laura
Shillinglaw Sakshaug lives in Mesa, Ariz. Not sure how far that is from you.
Jamie Shillinglaw
-------------------- 48 --------------------
Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 15:29:50 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
It's about ?three? hours, but we have people from up that way who come
to Bisbee because we're a mile high and it's cooler. We'd love to feed her.
Thank you for the compliment, 30 some odd years it's good to know there
is still a resemblance to my youth.
More later.
-------------------- 49 --------------------
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 07:57:12 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
Jamie, I think I goofed and called you James? Sorry......again.
-------------------- 50 --------------------
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 14:56:51 -0400
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: HHS Alumni Party Sat June 2
From: "Jeff Edelman" <jeff@student.com> Add Address
Date: 2007/05/13 Sun AM 12:07:44 EDT
To: afine@art-cetera.com
Subject: You're Invited - HHS Alumni Party Sat June 2
HHS Alumni Party
Sat June 2 6PM - 10 PM
@ Hastings High School
In The Cochrane Gym and outside of the gym in the courtyard
Free to attend. But this is a fundraiser sponsored by The Hastings Youth Council,
a group that funds programs designed to support the current generation of Hastings
Youth. So we hope that everybody in attendance will contribute some funds to
help the kids in Hastings.
Please pass this along to all Hastings High School Alumni. More info at http://www.hastingshighschool.com
and http://www.hastingshighschool.com/party.php
We are planning to have the biggest and best HHS Alumni party ever. Alumni from
every Hastings High School class are invited. We want this to be for HHS graduates
of all ages. We will have so much room that everybody should feel comfortable
being there.
There will be a cookout in the courtyard, which is right adjacent to the Cochrane
Gym. We will also have full use of the gym itself. So if there is bad weather,
it won't interrupt our plans.
There will be a couple of live bands performing outside in the courtyard. And
we'll have an Ipod shuffle of music going inside in the gym.
Sorry that the school is booting us out of the facility at the early hour of
10PM, but I'm sure that lots of people will then head out locally afterwards.
So try and be there on the early side.
Please bring old photos! If you have extra copies of old photos, please bring
them. We are going to put photos all over the walls of the gym for the night.
And then we'd like to put a bunch of them online at a later date. If you bring
photos, please put years and names on the back of the photos.
Thanks so much. I really look forward to seeing people there.
Jeff Edelman '76
Hastings Youth Council
If you are unable to come to the party, but would like to contribute to The
Hastings Youth Council, please make checks out to The Hastings Youth Council,
and mail to:
The Hastings Youth Council
PO Box 64
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
-------------------- 51 --------------------
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 21:43:00 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
I'm probably the only person who cares about this, but Bisbee is world-famous to birders: It's about ground zero for the world's best hummingbird watching, and Heather, I quite imagine the hummingbird season gets things (ahem, sorry Jamie, can't resist) humming around the restaurant? Or do the birdbrains stay in posh b&bs and eat al fresco beside their bedrooms?
For a couple of years I've been thinking about coming down and birding around there--the Chiricahua Mountains especially, but my understanding is the funky (that's how it's described in the birding literature--"funky") town of Bisbee sees its fair share of hummers as well? (I mean, hummingbirds. Hummerwatching isn't that interesting a pastime, even compared to birdwatching--they all look the same except for the color, and they move too fast along the roads to stalk!)
Nice to hear from you again. Your picture has you as pretty as the day you left Hastings, and I'm sure the youthfulness of your appearance owes a lot to the youthfulness of the town you live in!
Greg Vaughn
-------------------- 52 --------------------
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 08:47:47 -0700
From: "Bisbee Breakfast Club" <bisbeebclub@qwest.net>
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
You're right Greg, great birding and we don't get that many of them in the
restaurant, they are usually up and trekking before we open at 7 and don't
get back until after 3 and we're closed. Good pun though. We don't hurt
for business and most days we are very grateful, but it is getting close to
our vacation time (July 3-25) so we're getting a little weary of the public
and responsibility.
Bisbee's residents are a group of eclectics that have chosen an alternative
lifestyle, a good mix of artists, intellectuals, corporate dropouts along
with the few exiled trust funders, hippies and tramps making money off their
weirdness. The town however is very quaint with lots of old Victorian
building and lots of craftsman cottage homes. It is worth a visit and the
Chiricahua Mountains are close.
I attribute any youthfulness to necessity, I can't get old, I'm working too
hard! (there is a smile on my face)
-------------------- 53 --------------------
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 12:13:06 -0400
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: I figured it was a hoax...
Next time your in Hastings, come over to my side of the river. You
would be amazed how wildlife in and near the river has made a huge comeback.
Seals are sighted regularly. Stripe Bass are plentiful too.
As for birds, Cormorants are so plentiful as to be a nuisance.
Peregrine Falcons can be seen over the river hunting small birds.
In the winter, I have seen over a dozen Bald Eagles hanging out on the
ice flows. This truly is an amazing site. Ravens have returned after
an absence of 200 years.
My favorite is in the Autumn when the Ospreys are looking for fish. I
have seen them with fish in their talons but never an actual catch from
the river.
It is great to see the results of the Environmental Movement of the
1970s. Can't wait to see what can happen in the next thirty years!
Jim K
-------------------- 54 --------------------
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 15:13:34 -0400
From: "Barry Symonds" <bsymond1@rochester.rr.com>
Subject: RE: Anyone going to be around end of July?
Sorry, I just switched to Windows Vista and they keep both accounts together
and make me choose which one to send it from. Can you resend it?
-------------------- 55 --------------------
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 15:32:39 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
From: "Dr. Jill Padawer" <rosewoodconsulting@mindspring.com>
Subject: summer reunion
Hi Alan & others-
Actually, I said I most likely cannot make it either of the August weekends,
but possibly could be there for a little bit the weekend of Aug. 3rd (not too
likely though).
I am hoping to make it for the June 2nd Jeff Edelman Hastings Youth Council and the all-generations alumni event. Sounds great to have the opportunity to see people from so many classes! Anyone else going to be there?
-------------------- 56 --------------------
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 15:57:40 -0400
From: "Barry Symonds" <bsymond1@rochester.rr.com>
Subject: FW: Anyone going to be around end of July?
Sorry Alan,
Now I'm receiving 2 copies of every email. Can you just use the
BarryHome@rochester.rr.com and I'll make sure I send from only that one.
Delete the bsymond1@rochester.rr.com
-------------------- 57 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 17:00:42 -0400
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Our 50th Birthday Party
YOU WILL LOVE THE NEWEST PICTURE POSTED AT "www.art-cetera.com/hastings." Please go there to play the "WHO'S ASSES ARE THESE?" game. Amy Huelsman found the famous March 19th, 1974 clipping of the four streakers. WHO WERE THEY? I have my suspicions and would like to honor these brave lads as part of our 50th Birthday bash (and dare them to do it again).
Speaking of the birthday bash, except for Jill (who knows I love her, because I called her during our last Maud's gathering when she forgot the date), the assumption is that the first weekend in August is best for everyone. So let's put our energies into it.
I'll post our usual extensive list of events for Friday through Sunday, but I put a call in to Billy K. about Saturday night. He -- and others -- had some definite opinions about Saturday that would take some planning and money, so stay tuned. (Remember though, last time, we just showed up at Harvest and met the Clinton Family. So I'm up for that again and will give them a head's up call; The Clintons, not Harvest.)
As in the past, I will create a page on our site with the names of people planning to attend. Please RSVP to this email NOW so we know this isn't just some whim and that we are really going to eat ice cream and play "Spin the Donkey" and "Pin the tail on the Bottle" while drinking heavily.
PS. OH, AND THIS IS PRETTY NICE... Our reunions are the yardstick by which all others are measured. Take a look at this link. The class of '77 is having THEIR 30th reunion this August, and they have patterned it after us! And this isn't the first time this has happened, so be proud!
(I wish them luck in collecting $100 a person though.)
-------------------- 58 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 15:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
larry kaiser on the far left; david richter on the middle left; senior (can't
remember his name! basketball player..class of '75) trailing and....?
Do I get a prize?
Thanks Amy --- very fun. Jan
-------------------- 59 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 15:54:58 -0700
From: "Nancy Waterous" <nwaterous@astound.net>
Subject: RE: Our reunions are the yardstick
I'm hoping to make it. My father's 89th birthday is July 30, so if I
can get away to Vermont for that, I'll make the side trip to Hastings.
Thanks to Alan for, once again, taking this on...
-------------------- 60 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 20:04:08 -0400
From: Ralph Maggi <r.maggi@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
Opt me in for the August time frame as I will be in the NY area at
that time.
-------------------- 61 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 20:47:57 EDT
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: streaking
i thought the othe was billy k?
-------------------- 62 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 20:49:09 EDT
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
ill be there too alan , ill be off second week in august till set 6th
-------------------- 63 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 21:27:28 -0400
From: "Glenn Martin" <glenn107@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
One of those butts belonged to Chuck Caruso. I recall him getting into BIG
trouble with his dad...the fire chief at the time.
-------------------- 64 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 21:56:10 EDT
From: JEBWILK@aol.com
Subject: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
Here's my guess:
Chuck Caruso
Nick McMaster
Pierre Belarge
Joe Pagan
-------------------- 65 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 19:06:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
I'll come if Dave R. and Larry K. come. Heh heh.
-------------------- 66 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 19:06:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
Why did I say that?
-------------------- 67 --------------------
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 20:41:04 -0700
From: "Dave Richter" <dave@richterintl.com>
Subject: RE: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
Not my behind... I think Corey and I were running through the halls of the
school at about the same time.
Richter International Consulting LLC
425-396-5560 (T)
425-396-5561 (F)
-------------------- 68 --------------------
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 09:13:10 -0700
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Our reunions are the yardstick
I don't even have to look to guess---larry Kaiser, david richter, chuckie
caruso, and joey pagan; although I am not sure about larry
-------------------- 69 --------------------
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 09:14:15 -0700
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
Liar, liar, butt on fire.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hastings Alumni Email Forum [mailto:hastings@art-cetera.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 8:46 PM
To: Hastings Alumni Email Forum
Subject: RE: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
(also including teachers and other classes)
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 20:41:04 -0700
From: "Dave Richter" <dave@richterintl.com>
Subject: RE: Re: Our reunions are the yardstick
Not my behind... I think Corey and I were running through the halls of the
school at about the same time.
Richter International Consulting LLC
425-396-5560 (T)
425-396-5561 (F)