1. Re: Child Hood Bullies
by: Nicole Cirrincione <ncirrinc@hotmail.com>
2. Re: Heather
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
3. Re: Heather
by: Pat Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
4. RE: Heather
by: David Virrill <DVirrill@levyboonshoft.com>
5. Re: Fw: Loose Change
by: Eric Zaidins <ezaidins@gmail.com>
6. Email or Entertainment?
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
7. Re: Heather
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
8. Re: Email or Entertainment?
by: <Captmando@aol.com>
9. Re: Re: Email or Entertainment?
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
10. Fireside chat
by: <ECRAM123@aol.com>
11. Re: An alternative...
by: <ECRAM123@aol.com>
12. freedom of speech
by: <JaneGaughran@aol.com>
13. Re: freedom of speech
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
14. More Bullies
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
15. RE: Worst that could happen
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
16. Re: Encoding problems.
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
17. RE: freedom of speech
by: Carpenter, Robert <robert.carpenter@credit-suisse.com>
18. Re: Sailing
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
19. Re: freedom of speech
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
20. Re: Fireside chat
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
21. Re: Fireside chat
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
22. Re: Re: freedom of speech
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
23. RE: freedom of speech
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
24. Re: freedom of speech
by: Lynn Harbin <lharbin@swbell.net>
25. Re: freedom of speech
by: Pat Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
26. RE: freedom of speech
by: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
27. Dropping in...
by: Dave Richter <dave@richterintl.com>
28. Re: freedom of speech
by: <Lotsoffish@aol.com>
29. My torn ligament
by: Jeff Feinstein <Jeff.Feinstein@cox.net>
30. Re: More Bullies
by: Barry Symonds <BarryHome@rochester.rr.com>
31. Re: My torn ligament
by: <Lotsoffish@aol.com>
32. Remove Me from the Group List.
by: Susan Drinkard <textornado@hotmail.com>
33. Re: My torn ligament
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
34. Re: My torn ligament
by: Joanne <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
35. Heather
by: Dave Richter <dave@richterintl.com>
36. RE: freedom of speech
by: Nicole Cirrincione <ncirrinc@hotmail.com>
37. RE: freedom of speech
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
38. Heather pictures from Dave Richter
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
39. Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
by: Nancy Waterous Whitehead <nwwhitehead@astound.net>
40. Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
41. Small town rather than uptown girl???
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
42. Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
by: <eric@nyspedlaw.com>
43. Impolsion
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
44. Something to ponder
by: Glenn Martin <gmartin@adelphia.net>
45. Re: Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
46. Re: Impolsion
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
47. hillary clinton
by: <Lotsoffish@aol.com>
48. Re: hillary clinton
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
49. Re: hillary clinton
by: <Captmando@aol.com>
50. Re: hillary clinton
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
51. Re: hillary clinton
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
52. Regards from Toronto!
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
53. Re: hillary clinton
by: <Captmando@aol.com>
54. Re: hillary clinton
by: <Captmando@aol.com>
55. RE: freedom of speech
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
56. Re: freedom of speech
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
57. Re: hillary clinton
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
58. Re: freedom of speech
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
59. Re: freedom of speech
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
60. Re: freedom of speech
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
61. Re: freedom of speech
by: <Lotsoffish@aol.com>
62. Re: freedom of speech
by: <Lotsoffish@aol.com>
63. Re: freedom of speech
by: Joanne <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
64. Re: freedom of speech
by: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
65. RE: setting up a separate blog space
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
66. OMG
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
67. massaging is good, too...
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
68. RE: setting up a separate blog space
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
69. RE: setting up a separate blog space
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
70. RE: setting up a separate blog space
by: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
71. Heather "shrine" and blog-thoughts
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
72. Re: RE: setting up a separate blog space
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
73. Re: freedom of speech
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
74. Question
by: Nancy Waterous <nwaterous@hotmail.com>
75. Re: Child Hood Bullies
by: Lucy Riggs <orymay@optonline.net>
76. Re: Child Hood Bullies
by: Nicole Cirrincione <ncirrinc@hotmail.com>
77. read it and weep
by: Joanne <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
78. Our Yahoo Group
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
79. Re: Our Yahoo Group
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
80. Re: Our Yahoo Group
by: <Yasd@aol.com>
81. I'd like to join
by: lfrancis <louise.francis@comcast.net>
82. Re: I'd like to join
by: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
83. Re: I'd like to join
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
84. Re: Our Yahoo Group
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
85. Re: I'd like to join
by: Joanne <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
86. New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <afine@art-cetera.com>
87. Re: I'd like to join
by: Joanne <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
88. Re: Our Yahoo Group
by: <JEBWILK@aol.com>
89. Re: Our Yahoo Group
by: Lucy Riggs <orymay@optonline.net>
90. Re: I'd like to join
by: <valcivitanogill@optonline.net>
91. Re: I'd like to join
by: <valcivitanogill@optonline.net>
92. Re: I'd like to join
by: <Lotsoffish@aol.com>
93. Re: Our Yahoo Group
by: Sandra Reynolds <rid24642@ride.ri.net>
94. Re: I'd like to join
by: <stephanie1759@optonline.net>
95. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
96. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <stephanie1759@optonline.net>
97. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <dave.walters@comcast.net>
98. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
99. Re: I'd like to join
by: Lori Hearon <LHEARON@austin.rr.com>
100. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: Barry Symonds <BarryHome@rochester.rr.com>
101. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
102. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: Patricia Sinatra <psinatra@comcast.net>
103. (no subject)
by: <NYCFD1@aol.com>
104. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
105. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
106. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
107. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
108. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
109. Re: (no subject)
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
110. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <faheyfam@optonline.net>
111. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
112. Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
by: <dmcquickly@comcast.net>
-------------------- 1 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:46:13 +0000
From: "Nicole Cirrincione" <ncirrinc@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Child Hood Bullies
<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Does anyone remember
Dickie Sawyer, Bill Suick, or Teddy Johnsberry? I believe
Bill was the town child molester. </P>
<P>Re: Ray O, he might have turned us upside down for the change
in our pockets, but we would still be alive afterwards. Another good
point about Ray. </P>
<P>I pretty much had a chaperone on the streets in Hastings as a youngster.
Bill Suick would always be around somewhere, on the aqua dock or that pathway
near the church across from the old A&P. Trying to give children
candy or toys. He scared me the most. <BR><BR><BR>Niki</P>
-------------------- 2 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 05:33:30 -0800 (PST)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Heather
Glenn -- I would be so sad if I thought you meant me by the "blog police"
in regard to Heather . . I'm not trying to shut down reminiscences, but I do
think people should look at the reality if in fact Heather was groped and think
about it in terms of real people, like their daughters -- and not in terms of
Marcia Brady. If that even happened, and I can't tell if it's myth or not, I
know that the culture at the time didn't educate boys enough to know what they
were doing. But people "get it" these days, so it seems "off"
to make that kind of violation a big joke. . . and if it's a myth? why keep
such an ugly myth going? Who could be proud of that?
I've so enjoyed your contributions to this website. I would feel bad if I've
offended you. Best regards to the eternally youthful Nancy, and I'm sorry I
didn't get much time with you guys in October. Jan
-------------------- 3 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 16:46:28 +0000 GMT
From: "Pat Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Heather
Most of us had no interest in either of these people! I find it amusing how much we focus our attention on them.
-------------------- 4 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 08:52:25 -0500
From: "David Virrill" <DVirrill@levyboonshoft.com>
Subject: RE: Heather
Thanks Glenn.
Advise your daughters that root beer makes a poor impression at any
-------------------- 5 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 10:23:16 -0500
From: "Eric Zaidins" <ezaidins@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Loose Change
Here's another link:
I just finished watching the movie. Really disturbing stuff. Very thought
provoking. It raises so many questions.
From 1982 to 1989 I lived on East 82nd Street. I became friends with a
former CIA agent (and former OSS agent) who retired and became a spy
novelist named William Hood. He lived with his wife directly above Mindy's
and my apartment. Bill and I had many interesting talks, including one about
the JFK assassination conspiracy theory. He told me that at the time of the
assassination, he was the most senior officer on duty at CIA headquarters
and he was directed to pull together the CIA's files on Lee Harvey Oswald,
putting him in the thick of the investigation. He told me that he didn't buy
the conspiracy theory. He believed that the more people that were involved
with illegal activity, the more likely it was that someone with knowledge
about it would get too nervous or too morally outraged to keep quiet about
it. Information would leak out. Take Watergate for instance. W. Mark Felt,
former assistant director of the FBI during the Nixon Administration
(a.k.aDeep Throat) couldn't keep it to himself and went to the press.
The fact is,
there weren't all that many folks involved with Watergate. Certainly nowhere
near as many as would have been involved with 911.
The facts presented in "911 Loose Change" are obviously more than
a mere
curiosity. However, as much as I despise Dubbya and Rummy, and as much as I
believe that 911 was used as an excuse for going to war in Afghanistan and
Iraq, I find it hard to believe that the destruction of the World Trade
Center complex, the destruction at the Pentagon, four planes loads of
people, and three thousands others, most of whom were US citizens, could be
carried out by a branch or branches of the US government. To carry out such
a huge plot, dozens of people would have been involved, many of them high
ranking officials. Presumably, some of whom had working moral compasses. How
could so many people keep such a conspiracy a secret? I suppose it's
possible, but something about Bill Hood's logic rings true. Maybe I'm being
naive, but I guess I don't want to believe it's possible. I worked on the
49th floor of Tower 2 from 1983 to 1985 as a legal aid at the NYS Attorney
General's office while I was in law school. On the morning of 9/11 I was at
home, my hearing for the day having been cancelled the night before. My wife
called to tell me to turn on the TV, and I watched the live coverage in
shock, anger, and nausea. For at least two years afterward I was still
waking up at 3am to watch CNN for an hour or so before being able to go back
to sleep. I still occasionally wake up in the middle of the night. How awful
and despicable it would be if the movie's premise were true.
-------------------- 6 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:57:10 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com> Alan Fine
Subject: Email or Entertainment?
We are all learning a lot about each other from what is posted on this forum. Here's something else I learned, which I did not anticipate...
A number of long-time members have had enough of this forum, and have just asked to withdraw from the group. Too many emails, they all said. They were Jody Sporn, Cynthia Matzura, Julie Collins, Hershel Berry (Robert's youngest brother) and Cleveland Clark.
I feel they would have stayed if there were fewer emails, but the same overall content. So how do we accomplish that and not stop our momentum? Easy...
We need to follow a simple rule of forum etiquette: Like celebrities in the mass media, over-exposure decreases interest. Based on that, we should try not to post too often, or too many times in a row. We should take notes and save up our postings for one longer post.
And since this is a public forum, we should think twice before posting. Ask yourself, "Is my post interesting or entertaining?" The problem is what is "interesting" and "entertaining" is in the eye (and typing fingers) of the beholder.
Still, when in doubt -- and I think we need to be in doubt more often than we have been -- silence is golden on the internet too.
PS. And we lost two more: Mike Mayfield and Chris Griggs' email addresses (michael_mayfield@logitech.com and cgriggs@aol.com) have stopped working and are bouncing our postings back. Does anyone have replacement email addresses for either of them?
-------------------- 7 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 01:14:14 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Heather
Yes, Gordon. Our Viking Comrade. He lived across the street from Zach Nethercott on Mt. Hope blvd. Carry Rosenberg and Jill Padawer (sp?) told me some interesting stories of how they used to stalk the poor guy. After all that he moved to Norway.
-------------------- 8 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 20:59:18 EST
From: Captmando@aol.com (John Capuano)
Subject: Re: Email or Entertainment?
if big brother is watching.........i am out too....john
-------------------- 9 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 21:24:56 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com> Alan Fine
Subject: Re: Re: Email or Entertainment?
EVERYONE is watching.
(You are one reason they are.)
And ironically, because you are watching and commenting, you are big brother too.
> Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 20:59:18 EST
> From: Captmando@aol.com (John Capuano)
> Subject: Re: Email or Entertainment?
> if big brother is watching.........i am out too....john
-------------------- 10 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 22:54:36 EST
From: ECRAM123@aol.com (Marce Maicovski Bailes)
Subject: Fireside chat
My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of Iraq regime has been
Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our
mission in Iraq is complete.
This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces
from Iraq This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now to begin
the reckoning.
Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which
have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short. The
United Kingdom, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, and Poland
are some of the countries listed there.
The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the world's
nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of
both lists later this evening.
Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those
nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved
during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi
The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world
Hell-holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption.
Need help with a famine? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.
In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money
toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that
note, a word to terrorist
organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and
all your friends from the face of the earth.
Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.
I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France,
Germany, and
Russia. Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as
well. Bon chance, mes amis.
I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN
diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking
tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and
crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this You creeps have
tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch
your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest
chop shops in the world. I love New York
A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to
be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing
us off for a change.
Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt government
really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra tank
and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put em?
Yep, border security. So start doing something with your oil.
Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA
treaty - starting now.
We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil
in Alaska - which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to
come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you
to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care.
It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens.
Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, "darn tootin."
Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world
has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet.
It is time to eliminate hunger in America. It is time to eliminate
homelessness in America. It is time to eliminate World Cup Soccer from
America. To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thanks guys. We owe you
and we won't forget.
To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak
God bless America. Thank you and good night.
If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English,
thank a soldier.
Gotcha! Marce
-------------------- 11 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 23:01:25 EST
From: ECRAM123@aol.com (Marce Maicovski Bailes)
Subject: Re: An alternative...
Is it really so hard to delete? I mean, give me a break.....maybe those
people don't care what the class of '75 is talking about anyway. I have to
admit, there are some emails that are really too deep for me and many times
had to press that delete button to keep from falling asleep.
Still enjoying the conversations,
-------------------- 12 --------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 23:37:25 EST
From: JaneGaughran@aol.com
Subject: freedom of speech
Alan --- Conversation depends on spontaneity and a willingness to NOT
carefully titrate words... and some of these apparently 'trivial,' brief comments
people make to each other carry revelations and impacts that can't be so
easily measured. If this dialogue is burdensome to some classmates Alison's
would be terrific -- but if it doesn't work out, folks can hit the delete
key a few times.
If we wanted to become painfully self conscious again, we might as well be
back in high school.
-------------------- 13 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 4:32:07 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com> Alan Fine
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
I agree with your definition of conversation, but don't forget this isn't a conversation between two people. (Not yet anyway. But it could be if we piss off enough people.)
I am also a fan of the trivial brief comments. They hold my interest better than the long messages and are usually the funniest. (Like your "one hand" comment.)
This is a public forum and as such is a broadcast medium. I am not suggesting that people be as you put it "painfully self-conscious" again, but no one should go out in the middle of the street and take a crap either.
I guess we needed a moment in all the emailing to remind our "audience" that there is a delete button, and to inform others that there is a "digest only" option, and to reiterate that we are each broadcasters with a responsibility to the entertain the rest most of the time.
(typed with BOTH hands, but wearing no pants)
-------------------- 14 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 05:35:30 -0500
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: More Bullies
Do you remember the time on School Street when Robert Berry beat the
crap out of Ray Obreski....oh...wait a second...that was a dream
sequence from The Sopranos. Sorry
-------------------- 15 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:36:58 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net (Greg Vaughn)
Subject: RE: Worst that could happen
Funny, Louise! Georgetown...Ah, had I only picked them to go this far in our NCAA pool, I might be in line for some money. Sigh. Life is basketball.
-------------------- 16 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:39:57 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net (Greg Vaughn)
Subject: Re: Encoding problems.
It makes you a complacent paranoid, Jan. Not as bad as being an ambitious perfectionist, but you might want to watch your mood ring when attending Republican Conventions.
-------------------- 17 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:44:00 -0000
From: "Carpenter, Robert" <robert.carpenter@credit-suisse.com>
Subject: RE: freedom of speech
go jane
well put
we wouldnt read this stuff if we didnt want to
I find it all very interesting to re-connect with folks I havent heard from
in years
if I knew then...(fill in the blanks)
I also thought the one hand comment very funny
-------------------- 18 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:54:45 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net (Greg Vaughn)
Subject: Re: Sailing
lol John. Nothing there to work on.
I threw so much as a young adult, through my 20s and 30s in baseball and sotfball leagues every summer, and never had the benefit of professional ice-downs. Now I have a tinge of...something...in my shoulder.
I remember when I first played softball, after college (played a lot in college, too). I lived in Vermont at the time, and we had Sunday morning games in back of Middlebury College's field house. I threw a ball from the outfield in to second base, and it did its usual 11-2 dive. Caught the second baseman off guard, and he yelled at me! lol A friend, yelling at me! Something about not throwing sliders from the outfield, it'll ruin my elbow.
My elbow's fine. My shoulder, now...it's hard for me to throw snowballs accurately. Glory Days. <sigh>
Glad you liked the song. Pick up their Greatest Hits album and let that one play while you're out on your boat. I've always thought that one and Southern Cross by CSN were good boating songs. Then there's Sailing by Cristopher Cross, but it's a little tame for the high seas. I think that song is more for sailing on the LI Sound.
Anyway, have fun on the boat, and stop back on the boards as often as you can. We'll miss you here, instigator and wise one!
-------------- Original message ----------------------
> Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 00:32:00 EST
> From: Lotsoffish@aol.com (John Capuano)
> Subject: Re: Sailing
> good tune greg.....been working on the slidder?
-------------------- 19 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:34:20 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net (Gerg Vaughn)
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
Another blog for y'all. hehe
Each of us who has posted seems to be getting their own "entertainment" from this board. Those of us who are not posting, arent'. I've been quite fascinated by the fact that this board has brought out some of the denizens of the woodwork. Clearly, there's a purpose served by each of the messages that have come through here.
The delete button is one option. The digest is another option. Simply not being a participant at all is another option. To totally remove oneself from this group is an individual choice that none of the rest of us ought to be held accountable for.
I'm sorry to see some people leave our cozy group, but in the big picture, maybe 15% of the people who are receiving these messages are actively taking part in them. Presumably, most of the others are intelligent and savvy enough to deal with whatever complaints they have on their own. If I overwrite, and someone doesn't want to read it, I take no offense to it. It isn't personal against me, it's a personal choice on their part. The fact that some of our classmates consider the barrage of personal reminiscences a burden should not be take by those of us responsible for that barrage as a personal assault.
It's cable tv, everyone. If you like it, subscribe to it. It doesn't mean you have to watch every show. Heaven knows, I probably have never watched Oxygen, or The Nashville Network, or QVC. Does that mean they ought to unburden me of those channels? Nope. There are people who benefit from those shows, and it's our responsibility to honor that, even if it doesn't touch us personally.
Regardless of whether we agree with each other on everything, the simple fact that we are reaching out and conversing across the longitude and latitude of life should be supremely respected. In the staff lunchroom, sometimes I'll bring up in a general way things we've discussed in these messages. EVERYONE in that lunchroom is amazed--AMAZED--that we stay in touch and have such deep discussions. Nobody else in that lunchroom even knows the whereabouts of all but a couple of their high school classmates. And when I told them last October, after returning from our reunion, how enjoyable it was to get to know you all in non-high-school roles, as adults, as members of society and culture, EVERYONE in the room commented how much they wished their class could/would do that.
There's something powerful in reconnecting with people who knew us before any of our current friends did. The reminiscences about Heather, Ray, Mike, and each other serve some deep purposes. They remind us, perhaps, of where we've come from. Of what made us who we are. Of what we know and don't know, and have forgotten we know and don't know those things.
They point out that we were all in pretty much the same unhappy, thrilling state of existence, of terror and self-persecution and self-doubt and self-assurance and ideal seekers and troublemakers, in our own ways. That we aren't just adults with kids and mortgages and divorces and cars that aren't as nice as some of our neighbors' but much nicer than others'. And I don't know if anyone else has felt this way over the past few years (and especially month of this weighty wave of messages), but I find myself giving much more respect and open-minded consideration to your opinions that differ from mine than I do with the opinions of people I haven't known as long. I don't know why that is, and I believe I'm pretty respectful of the value of differing opinions.
So. Delete if you will. Digest if you can. Ignore if you prefer. Quip, banter, reminisce, argue, cajole, opine--whatever suits you. I just hope we don't lose sight of the undefinable benefits we are all getting from our exchanges here.
Anyway, we have connections that'll get us a place to stay if we go to California, and a boat ride if we want to fish. Life is good! :-)
-------------------- 20 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:40:48 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Fireside chat
Marce, not so sure...I'm not, and I doubt most of our class mates, are this sort of singular isolationists. Essentially the "fireside" chat you posted here are the words and idea of extreme-rightwinger Pat Buchanan (who, despite his politics, has his moments).
I was actually heavily involved in trying to defeat NAFTA when I was delegate to the San Francisco Central Labor Council for my union. I did it for different reasons, however, than what people like Buchanan advocated or argued for (who has a visceral hatred of anyone darker than himself). That's because NAFTA hurt Mexicans a lot more than it hurt us because it helped wipe out the incomes of millions of Mexican farm families forcing them to emigrate north to the US, disrupting their lives and impoverishing them.
I'm all for aborgating NAFTA, too. But, at this point, if the US cut itself off from the world totally, oil production would be halved, increasing prices to $10/gallon, all forms of commodity prices would sky rocket since we don't produce anything anymore. The dollar would plummet even faster than it is and we would be looking like Argentina did about 4 years ago with all our banks closed, no food in the markets and total social chaos. France, Russian, Germany are not our enemies as the writer of the 'fireside chat' implies, nor is the UN. Almost all of America's problems are our own making and it's time we focused inward on this society, on *our* society, to ask why the world views us the way they do, why we gutted our own industrial base, why our education system is falling apart, why things like the reaction (or lack thereof) to Katrina occured the way it did.
-------------------- 21 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 17:10:52 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net (Greg Vaughn)
Subject: Re: Fireside chat
Our educational system is falling apart?! Oh my God, I've got to tell my students! They'll be ECSTATIC! lol
I'm with Dave on this one. We history teachers (and those of us in Mr. Tucker's classes--I can't speak for the other teachers--Rittner et al., I never had them) know that history tells us very clearly when we become isolationist, it's our own illusory self-deception. The U.S. will be a long way from isolated from the rest of the world as a matter of economics for a very long time.
Otherwise, who'd buy all our Nikes?
Greg, typing with someone else's hand.
-------------------- 22 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:26:33 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com> (Alan Fine)
Subject: Re: Re: freedom of speech
This statement made a lot of sense to me:
"To totally remove oneself from this group is an individual choice that none of the rest of us ought to be held accountable for."
It showed me that I made the mistake of thinking of our postings as "entertainment" or "content" (in which case if we were all television sitcom and drama producers, your statement would NOT be true). Remember, I spent over 20 years in Los Angeles where you ARE accountable for people tuning you out, and I continue to live and work in that world (and I have some success stories for another posting). Also, I have a long history of trying to please everyone in our class, a losing battle I fight with a smile.
I still believe we should attempt to inform and entertain here -- and that is what I will strive to do with my posts -- but it is only a recommendation I never thought enforceable. Also I never have or will block or edit anyone's post regardless of my personal opinion, because even though I host this forum, I know my opinion matters no more than anyone else's (although I reserved the right to stop hurtful or slanderous postings, which haven't happened since we switched to verified email address security). Finally, I should probably cease trying to keep people from leaving our forum membership (and we have another one, by the way, and for the same reason).
That said, as long as our forum IS running smoothly with no hurtful or slanderous postings, I would like to remove myself from monitoring the emails before they go through, so I can get a small piece of my life back, and so I too can be a part of the audience.
I need not be reminded how lucky I am to be a part of our class and to have so many good friends for all these years. I count my blessings again and again. Please allow me to microwave some popcorn, pull up a chair, and join everyone for what unfolds...
(typed standing up -- until that end part)
-------------------- 23 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:05:33 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: freedom of speech
For Mr. Hogan (who taught me more than I realized then):
Is it the responsibility of those who are comfortable asserting opinions
to draw out those who aren't? Mr. Hogan thought so. He held me (and
other talkers) responsible in 11th grade for our inability to create a
safe discussion space in class. How do we create that safe space here?
Something is working -- for the 5 who have opted out there are at least
10 who have joined in for the first time, or more than before. I hope to
continue hearing new voices. Like Greg, I hope any offense is responded
to or deleted and forgotten. As for public crapping, here in Berkeley it
happens literally and figuratively so often, I've learned to avert my
eyes... And if my verbose and persistent style is annoying -- I agree.
I'm confident Aschmann rolls over in his grave whenever I write...wish I
had Jane's style.
But ... I would have gotten into trouble at my former workplace for this
volume of personnel email.
I have political questions I'm aching to ask you all, but I'll wait
until they are better formed.
Greg -- what does "lol" mean?
-------------------- 24 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:56:24 -0600
From: Lynn Harbin <lharbin@swbell.net>
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
Sorry, Greg, I'm with Alan. Too much for me to take anymore. I have
enjoyed our posts in the past because I can't come to the reunions and
this is my way of keeping up with everybody. There just doesn't seem to
be as many nuggets of news anymore, like hearing about Ray's daughter
getting married or positive thiings like Jeff Feinstein's refreshing
email. I still have to open and read every email to see if there is any
news in it or just some more complaining or standing on a soap box about
an issue. How long before we start debating religion? I realize there
is a place in the world for blogs on all these things, but that is not
why I signed up to get class emails. A personal blog for these things
seems more appropriate. Okay, that is my piece. I have asked Alan to
remove my name from the class emails, so if anyone wants to contact me
to reminisce or tell me what is going on in their lives, I am still at
the same email. Maybe I'm a Pollyanna at heart, too, Jeff.
-------------------- 25 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 23:17:41 +0000 GMT
From: "Pat Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
I think if anyone believes that posts should not reflect political or other
views, then we may be defeating the purpose of the board. We are individuals--
just like we were in high school, with our own respective views, beliefs, feelings,
and personal histories. I don't think this board should largely be about how
many kids we have, etc. or what Chuck Aschmann's teaching style was like or
"whatever happened to...". We have been fortunate to become reaquainted,
and with common history, I believe we have more depth in our souls and brains
that subsequently result in intelligent dialogue.
As for myself, I don't read all the posts either, and if I don't have the time, I may delete a few here and there. But I still appreciate the fact that they are sent to me.
-------------------- 26 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:30:48 -0500
From: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
Subject: RE: freedom of speech
Speaking of freedoms -- we have the honor and privilege to have our
proposed national budget's available online for our reading
pleasure...the condensed version and analysis is available from the
Congressional Budget Office (only 77 pages of text and tables...:)
If your eyes don't glaze over (like mine do) at the multitude of
numbers, you'll find some very interesting plans for Social Security,
HSA's and Homeland Security (including "activities" in Iraq and
Afghanistan through '07)
An Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2007
March 2006
[full-text, 71 pages]
-------------------- 27 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:13:23 -0800
From: "Dave Richter" <dave@richterintl.com>
Subject: Dropping in...
Hi all
I got back from Cambodia last week and found this feast of e-mails waiting for me… what a treat it has been to read through them all…instead of culture shock it is like a time warp.
So many memories… some sweet and some not so sweet. And very thought provoking… As I look back to my time at HHS, I realize how much I felt like the new kid on the block and how that colored so much of what I did and thought… I just wanted to fit in. And as I read your e-mails, I realize now that I was no different from anyone else. It just felt like I was alone in that struggle.
Soccer was my savior. I was able to bond with a great group of guys and from there the pieces pretty much fell into place … with hiccups along the way, but at least I found a place to belong.
Here are a few random thoughts…
AP... Mr. Aschmann talked me out of AP English, so instead I took English w/ Mr. Banks, where Robert Sudak tried to shoot an apple off of my head with a bow & arrow. That is the only thing I remember about 4 years of English. Needless to say, I didn’t major in English in college (not archery either)
Streaking ... Glenn, I wish I'd been able to check the rear view mirror to catch Dalmas' reaction! Maybe that's why Aschmann talked me out of AP?
Having just come from Cambodia, I would be remiss if I didn’t suggest we add Cambodia to the worst that could happen list… about 40% of the Cambodian population was killed or tortured in the 3 years between ’75 and 78. Why can’t we learn? We can’t fix what has passed, but we can do something about Darfur today.
And another realization about myself… the reason I am building houses in Cambodia and not working w/ underprivileged people in the US, is that I am more comfortable overseas than at “homeâ€â€¦ Overseas I feel like no one has any expectations about me. In the US, I still feel like I have to perform up to some standard (I realize now that no one but me is doing the judging, but somehow when I go overseas, I feel free… I’m still delving into this.)
And in closing… Heather…
I never met Heather Schmeltz, but certainly heard a lot about her. When Greg mentioned that she had moved to Manila, that got me thinking… My wife, Maren, went to high school in Manila…so we pulled out her International School of Manila year book and guess who we found! Yup, Heather Schmeltz as a junior… Small world! I’ll gladly send copies of the picture to any of the guys who are interested, please send me $5 to cover the postage… ☺
Count me in for the California reunion. Steve Bass and I will work on the Pacific NW reunion… maybe the front end of an Alaskan fishing adventure…
It has been great to hear from so many old and new friends. I am amazed at how many people have connected through this e-mail exchange. Alan, thanks for giving us the venue!
Richter International Consulting LLC
425-396-5560 (T)
425-396-5561 (F)
-------------------- 28 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 20:23:22 EST
From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
BRAVO GREG!...WELL SPOKEN AND RECIEVED!..i too have some of the very same
feelings...i hope one day..maybe many days ..you and the crew will head out
and do a little fishing with me...BRAVO!...love, cappy
-------------------- 29 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 22:17:27 -0500
From: "Jeff Feinstein" <Jeff.Feinstein@cox.net>
Subject: My torn ligament
For good parts of the past few days I’ve been in a doctor’s office or hospital. Last June I sprained my ankle, tearing a ligament. I had surgery to repair it this January. A post-surgery complication developed and I now have a blood clot behind my right knee. I’m being treated with blood thinners.
I take deep offense to much that has been written in this forum recently. On one level I think it breaks the bonds of trust and respect that I hoped had developed. On another level it makes me realize that in too many instances, those bonds never existed. Are some classmates unwilling or unable to overcome or forget the jealousies, rivalries, embarrassments, disappointments, and slights that are literally decades old?
So many classmates have been enthralled recalling and explaining the impact one fleeting classmate had on the boys and girls in our class. A buzz began that someone had done something with that classmate. Salacious inquiring minds wanted to know.
Thankfully (?), another classmate stepped in to fill the missing pieces. Imagine my surprise when I read, along with the rest of my classmates, that it was me!
The memory in general is shared in a cutesy, Summer of ’42 style. But by employing a curious choice of words, the anecdote makes my role seem cheap, stupid, unseemly, rude, and grotesque. It made my skin crawl when I read it. I wasn’t asked about it, and even if I had, I would have said: I have no recollection of it ever having happened. But someone thought it would be fun to share, and now it’s been distributed to 120 (119? 118? 117? …) classmates and will be archived for posterity.
For the past weeks this forum has been little more than cyber crack. I’ve lost interest and faith in listening to the conversation of our equivalent of the Algonquin Round Table, or reading stories crafted for the New Yorker. I’m stepping away from the table so I’m going to unsubscribe from the list. Anyone who wants to find me knows where to look.
Oh, about Ray O’Briskie. One day, Ray began to pick on a friend while a bunch of us were playing. When I told Ray to stop he marched in my direction. I kept my hands at my side. He walked up to me and I stood my ground. No words were exchanged. He backed off. He never bothered me again.
-------------------- 30 --------------------
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 22:27:14 -0500
From: "Barry Symonds" <BarryHome@rochester.rr.com>
Subject: Re: More Bullies
Oh yes, I do remember Ray Obreski. Greg Vaughn and I were confronted by he
and a few other river rats. Next thing I knew Greg was running down the
street. what I didn't know was that he was running to get a policeman he
saw earlier. Fortunately, he came back with help as I was negotiating with
the gang. I only wish that were a dream sequence.... Barry
-------------------- 31 --------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 08:56:56 EST
From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
Subject: Re: My torn ligament
you criticize... and yet at the end of the soliloquy you add one of your very
own stories..interesting..hypocritical..but interesting to say the least...no
-------------------- 32 --------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 08:23:42 -0600
From: "Susan Drinkard" <textornado@hotmail.com>
Subject: Remove Me from the Group List.
good morning Alan,
I have been out of town on vacation and just got to my personal email. I
had close to 200, all but 12 were from the Alumni group email. What is
going on? Since when have we turned into a chat room. Please remove me
from the group distribution list. When you all have a new reunion date
coming up, I would be interested in hearing about that but this non-sense
about - I really don't know because I didn't try and read them all......
Sorry, and once again, your intentions are great and you and your wife are
doing a great job keeping our class in touch, it just has gotten out of
control and is now use for personal issues/soapbox talk.
Susan Drinkard.
-------------------- 33 --------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:32:15 -0500
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: My torn ligament
Hastings Alumni Email Forum wrote:
> From the HASTINGS CLASS OF '75
> (also including teachers and other classes)
> www.art-cetera.com/hastings
> ---------------------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 08:56:56 EST
> From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
> Subject: Re: My torn ligament
> you criticize... and yet at the end of the soliloquy you add one of your
> own stories..interesting..hypocritical..but interesting to say the least...no
> offense...cappy
What I love about this new source of technology called the "Internet"
is that any information one choses not read can be simply deleted by a
touch of the finger.
Jim K
-------------------- 34 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 10:59:45 -0500
From: "Joanne" <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: My torn ligament
curiousity killed the ............
I work out of home and the stock market is boring.....
-------------------- 35 --------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:00:21 -0800
From: "Dave Richter" <dave@richterintl.com>
Subject: Heather
OK. here is the yearbook picture.sophomore year in Manila, not junior - my
Richter International Consulting LLC
425-396-5560 (T)
425-396-5561 (F)
-------------------- 36 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 01:03:08 +0000
From: "Nicole Cirrincione" <ncirrinc@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: freedom of speech
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<P>Hey Louise -- LOL means Lots of Laughs.
-------------------- 37 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 03:41:04 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: RE: freedom of speech
LOL...also means "Laughing Out Loud".
-------------------- 38 --------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 23:09:25 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
Yes, Dave sent two yearbook pictures of Heather, but they were too large to
email, so I put them on a webpage on our site.
(I must be over her; I feel like a pedophile just looking at this page.)
Meanwhile ladies, there's a page up for you I think everyone will like: "How a computer works."
Everyone, please enjoy...
-------------------- 39 --------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 20:51:34 -0800
From: "Nancy Waterous Whitehead" <nwwhitehead@astound.net>
Subject: Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
I asked Dave to email me her picture and he did. Then I sent him her 8th grade picture and he was amazed. She hadn't changed much in 2 years. How much she may have changed in 30 years is the question. I don't see where you made a page for her - what am I missing?
Meanwhile, I'm feel strangely lonely without all those emails... perhaps our theory of implosion has come true?
-------------------- 40 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 04:46:15 EST
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
its a small world, and you cant hide from the hhs investigative team!
-------------------- 41 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 06:49:19 -0800
From: "Patricia Sinatra" <psinatra@comcast.net>
Subject: Small town rather than uptown girl???
Ohhhhhkayyy. She is certainly cute but as Nancy iterated, what does she
look like now? And, who really cares?
But, NOT that I really give a damn hearing about Heather anymore (I am
really tired of this Heather Schmeltz thing since most of us probably had
crushes on people in our class that we would rather not embarrass; the fact
that she is not "with us now" gives folks the opportunity for apparent
visible adolescent catharses...or to show that they had some semblance of
sexual prowess at the time---but, no offense guys...;).
That being said, I think the little girl may be living in Ohio....seriously.
So perhaps you guys should try to track her down? (do a web search and then
go to www.zabasearch.com.) Try to call her, track her down, say hello--you
know, watcha doin' now, Heather?
I hereby lay Heather to rest (and let's hope she never gets access to these
posts. She'll think we are absolutely, positively, nuts.)
BTW, have a nice weekend everyone!
-------------------- 42 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 14:51:47 -0500
From: <eric@nyspedlaw.com>
Subject: Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
I was as smitten with her as all the other guys, and Its fun seeing her pic. BUT...the posting on our site looks like a freaking shrine and it's creaping me out. Anyone else feel this way?
-------------------- 43 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:41:55 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: Impolsion
I do feel that I've collapsed violently inwards, in the sense that the
depth of anger, and the hurt lying beneath it, that was caused (I am
confident unwittingly) to some people by our emails made me not want to
communicate outward, just reflect inward. I don't want to
unintentionally hurt anyone and I've been beaten over the head with
admonitions to stop clogging people's email unless I have something
important to say. On the other hand, it's important not to be tyrannized
into silence; also, suddenly, like Nancy, I miss the comforting chatter
of friends. When I turned to my spouse for advice (something I learned
from Glen) and my wise brother, they said -- "email discussions have
hidden dangers ... you stick with things unendingly and that does risk
annoying people but ultimately it's a good thing... you believe in the
healing power of people connecting with other people."
So -- fool that I am, here I tread ...
Jeff Feinstein has been a good friend; right now he's not contacting me.
As he is physically ill, I hope all of us who have called him a friend
can send him all the positive energy we can muster -- whether you call
it prayer, karma or new-age hocus-pocus, I do believe in it. (Please
don't take this as an opening for a religious discussion or else we'll
lose half of the group -- lol, but weakly.) Blood clots are scary.
Perhaps I'll be chattier when I know Jeff is well and someday I hope to
give him a hard time about calling me a crack-head.
Heather was beautiful in 10th grade also. I hope she still is. I
re-read the teacher tributes -- it was very therapeutic. I trust
someone to make sure this email is not the last word -- hoist me on my
own petard (is that the right expression?) all you want -- I take it as
good fun -- I just ask that if you respond to something I write, please
be kind spirited towards Jeff and others right now and please don't read
too much into my not replying -- this crack-head is trying to go cold
turkey for 24 hours and Ray is clocking me, I'm sure.
Wishing all lol (Nicole's definition)- Louise
-------------------- 44 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 22:28:34 -0500
From: "Glenn Martin" <gmartin@adelphia.net>
Subject: Something to ponder
It is often said that society holds everyone together, and without these conditions, our ideals, values, and the basics of right and wrong are lost. Without society's rigid rules, anarchy and savagery can come to light...William Golding, Author of Lord of the Flies
This could be applied to the cyber world as well. The internet can be a powerful force, which can turn you to either insight or hysteria. Something to ponder...Glenn
p.s. So does anyone have any good Keith Olbermann/Bill O'Reilly stories to share?
-------------------- 45 --------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 22:43:23 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Re: Heather pictures from Dave Richter
It should creap you out. Creaps me out. That's why I did it. Was meant to satirize and hold a light up to the whole thing. Works pretty good, huh?
-------------------- 46 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 00:24:16 EST
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: Re: Impolsion
dear jeff,
my prayers for a quick healing are with you,
-------------------- 47 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 08:04:29 EST
From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
Subject: hillary clinton
anyone have any comments on hillary comparing illegal aliens to Jesus Christ
to start setting up her campaign and win the vote of Latin american
-------------------- 48 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:24:08 -0800 (PST)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
"Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and fed you, or thirsty and
gave you drink, a STRANGER and took you home, or naked and clothed you? . .
." "I tell you this: anything you did for one of my brothers here,
however humble, you did for me." Matthew 25
She may be craven, but she knows her Bible.
-------------------- 49 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 09:00:32 EST
From: Captmando@aol.com
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
i am not sure i could vote for someone who uses the Lords name to further
their political career..too much disrespect for the people who hold this name
sacred.......even the republicans havent done that yet...{and by the way..not
year ago hillary said "allowing illigal aliens to remain in this country
wrong"... change of heart?...no...the latino vote.
when she bought a house in NY to fulfill the senatorial requirements..months
before the election...i lost respect for hillary.
when she made the"vast right wing conspiracy" speech to defend bills
infidelity..i lost respect for hillary.
when she stayed with bill after 4 affairs so her political career might not
be effected..i lost respect for hillary.
i have no respect for hillary...i think morally a poor choice for the
-------------------- 50 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 06:06:26 -0800 (PST)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
You don't think it's using the Lord's name when you say Jesus is your hero in a presidential debate?
-------------------- 51 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 19:22:44 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
Actually, the use of the "Lords name", references to God, "Christianity"
have been part and parcel of American politics since forever. It has, however,
been cultivated, in my humble opinion, to new heights since the election in
1980 of Ronald Reagen and the rise of the "religious right". Reagan,
and his advisors, was the first one to raise the suggestion that voting for
him was a vote for the values inherent in biblical teaching. It was during his
second bid, in 1984, that this came to full fruition with Republican campaign
committees putting out the "Vote for Reagan is a vote for Jesus" in
any sort of official capacity. Since then the level of political discourse has
dropped further as we've seen that those not holding conservative political
values are imputed with an alliance with the Devil. And this flows out of White
House advisors like Karl Rove. It is called by the political talking-heads "Playing
to Bush's Base"...the extreme rightwing, mostly fundementalist and evangelical
rightwing in the South and Mid-west of the US.
Clinton's use of the "Lords name" is political opportunism, without a doubt. But she's a rank amature compared to her oppenents who have spawned a whole industry, based on the false belief that those that oppose them are "anti-Christian". We saw some skirmishes in this around the "War on Christmas" nonsense last year, the back-firing campaign around the living dead women, Terri Shiloe (sp?) who brain had withered to nothing but became the cause celeb of this same far right wing "In the Lords Name" political, and partisan, movement.
-------------------- 52 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:45:22 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Regards from Toronto!
Hi everyone.
I'm out in Toronto on a job for Paramount Pictures. Was able to bring Teri with me and we are going to see the musical stage play of "The Lord of the Rings" tonight. It is having its world premiere in Toronto and won't be in the U.S. for two years. The NY Times just gave it a mixed review, but I'm curious about the spectacle and effects, and how they fit it all into 3.5 hours! If anyone is interested in learning more about it, write me at my personal address.
What lucky timing!
-------------------- 53 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 18:21:44 EST
From: Captmando@aol.com
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
nice david....understood and informative..what really bothers me about this
amateur is the timing....just to throw it out there now?...Reagan and others
were "consistently Christian"...she is thoroughly and utterly using
Jesus christ
....for the moment...cappy
-------------------- 54 --------------------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 18:25:09 EST
From: Captmando@aol.com
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
there is a difference here jan...you see..the only prior time hilary used the
name "Jesus Christ " is when she saw her husbands DNA splattered all
over a
blue dress....john
-------------------- 55 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:13:56 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: RE: freedom of speech
Louise, lol is Laughing Out Loud in computerese. I think it actually made the Webster's dictionary list of new adds last year. Amazing, huh? We live in changing times..wait, isn't that a Chinese curse?
-------------------- 56 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:18:25 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
Wait. This is an OUTSTANDING idea! A group blog! Hmmm...how would this work? Maybe on MYSPACE.COM--someone of us could open up a blog, and give everyone who wants it the login and password. Then we'd be free to discuss these things, and at the same time return this messaging (that's messaging, not massaging) system back to where so many of our classmates feel it belongs. It'd also free up Alan to rightfully regain his life, and we'd also be less likely to get those annoying html coded messages that I still believe come from either A.) Saturn's moon civilizations or B.) the Mars rovers.
Let's vote on this. A Myspace blog for us to post non-newsy posts?
-------------------- 57 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:37:53 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: hillary clinton
John! Oh my God, that was hilarious!
-------------------- 58 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 04:41:26 EST
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
i make a motion to open up a my space acct for all discussions. any one
second this motion?
-------------------- 59 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:42:33 EST
From: JEBWILK@aol.com
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
I'll second!
-------------------- 60 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 06:28:23 EST
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
second motion on the floor====
any questions?
all in favor?
-------------------- 61 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:00:33 EST
From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
hey greg..tell me what it would be like if we moved to our own blog ..."
me what it would be like one more time"..i am excited about this ...topic
the week...blog parties[i call them comp orgies]...no censorship.if anyone is
offended,boredor disgusted..dont go there girlfriend,.ahhh...america...john.
-------------------- 62 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:02:37 EST
From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
"cow 1 is not cow 2 is not cow 3"...i loved tom hogan...cappy
-------------------- 63 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:41:25 -0500
From: "Joanne" <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
great idea!
-------------------- 64 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:11:37 -0500
From: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
I agree! (Why "myspace" -- why not "yahoogroups"?)
I was a nerdy freshman at HHS when you were all seniors -- I spent a
lot of time just listening to all of you chat way back then -- that's
how I'm feeling now reading all of these emails -- and enjoying every minute.
-------------------- 65 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 08:31:27 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: setting up a separate blog space
I agree with Laurel -- why not yahoo groups? As a parent, I've got a
problem bringing any business to myspace.com (and many other Rupert
Murdoch enterprises).
It sounds like we have consensus on the idea, but the question remains
-- who will set it up?
-------------------- 66 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 08:53:58 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: OMG
OMG, compared to Greg I'm a dinosaur! Where did I put my therapist's
phone number? LOL - Louise
-------------------- 67 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:25:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: massaging is good, too...
For my 25th college reunion, we arranged for several massage
therapists, someone to teach a reflexology seminar, etc. It was a huge
hit- something to think about for next reunion, LOL
In the meantime, I think Greg's got a great idea. I'm loving the
messages, but it is a bit overwhelming if you miss a day or two. With
a separate chat-forum we could massage our brains with other
perspectives without causing a signal to noise problem for those that
just want class news and events.
--- Hastings Alumni Email Forum <hastings@art-cetera.com> wrote:
> free to discuss these things, and at the same time return this
> messaging (that's messaging, not massaging) system back to where so
> many of our classmates feel it belongs. It'd also free up Alan to
.... Greg
-------------------- 68 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 17:49:21 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: RE: setting up a separate blog space
Louise, no reason, and I like the Yahoo groups idea just as much (do they have blogs?) I'd like to do this as a blog rather than a message board. I've found with large-group message boards, it's so much trouble to go through all the old posts to find out if what's on your mind has been addressed, people just start repetitive posts. It gets too labyrinthine. Is "labyrinthine" a word, even? Anyway, Louise, I'm all for avoiding myspace (or xanga) just because of that kids thing (we have a huge issue with both those sites from our students, as I'm sure is true with all the other teachers among us). I just thought of myspace off the top of my head. I'll look for some other blog.
Cappy, I don't know about the laws governing the site, the whole blog idea just came to me in response to Lynn's cogent and heartfelt email. This is all in the planning stages.
I'll be VERY happy to set something up. We'll make it by invitation only, and make it private, so we don't get a lot of spammers or idiots from outside our HHS family.
Let's get a list of proposals about how to create the idyllic utopian HHS blog. Rules, bylaws, what we can and can't talk about, etc. How about a name for our blog site? Let's do this for a few days, and then see if we can agree on what this will look like. While you all are doing that I'll scout around for a blog site without any baggage on it.
Alan, when you return from Toronto, and when we get this site finally up, is there a way to publicize the site through our web page, and, more importantly, a way to re-invite all the members of the flock who've fled the flood, so they can come back to this mailing list? We can then return this list to the newsy stuff we all want to hear about each other, and let our laundry hang out in the private confines of the HHS blog.
Journeying with you into the future,
Typing with two robotic hands
-------------------- 69 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:09:01 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: RE: setting up a separate blog space
Laurel -- any comments to Greg's point about yahoo?
Greg, I defer to people who are more hip to this stuff -- i.e. you.
Just would like to avoid myspace if there is an alternative. I probably
don't understand blog v. message board. In my rulebook, whoever
volunteers gets to make the decisions - so that's you Greg! And thanks
for doing it. Louise
-------------------- 70 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:22:43 -0500
From: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
Subject: RE: setting up a separate blog space
I have no brand preferences -- just would rather avoid myspace --
whatever works for the group in a way that makes it easy for us all
to chat without interfering with the rest of our lives (work, home, etc.)!
-------------------- 71 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:54:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: Heather "shrine" and blog-thoughts
I'd forgotten how pretty Heather was; but I remember liking her. I
also remember she wasn't the only attractive student wandering the
hallowed halls. Would it be less creepy if we added more pix? Maybe a
section of high school photos that we unearth? Or a shrine section for
any pin-up-style pix? I've got a couple that I'd be happy to send in.
As for blogs, I'm a newbie to the technology, but it seems that we
could make much better use (even in this forum) of the subject line.
Adding to your message a specific subject line such as "News: West
Coast reunion planning" or Politics:Hail Hillary or Politics:Hillary
Bash would allow everyone to poise their pinkie over the delete key.
Cheers, Alison
-------------------- 72 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 16:01:23 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: RE: setting up a separate blog space
Yes, I will advertize and put a link up when this is formed. I will also invite the others back and hope they return.
-------------------- 73 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 21:56:54 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: freedom of speech
-------------------- 74 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:35:59 -0800
From: "Nancy Waterous" <nwaterous@hotmail.com>
Subject: Question
Hi all -
My daughter, Dana, is in the last throes of college application hell and is
close choosing where to go. What can anyone tell us about Northeastern
University in Boston? My niece is there, so I have that perspective, but I
was just wondering if any of my esteemed classmates have any first hand
knowledge as well.
To those of you who have been through this process, you know what our life
has been like the past six months. To those of you who have yet to
experience it, well, we're here for you when the time comes!
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!
-------------------- 75 --------------------
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 22:52:46 -0600
From: Lucy Riggs <orymay@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: Child Hood Bullies
I recall the three charaters that you referenced. I heard the same about Suick.
Charlie Holmes was also a fixture along with those three.
-------------------- 76 --------------------
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 16:24:16 +0000
From: "Nicole Cirrincione" <ncirrinc@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Child Hood Bullies
Hi Lucy -- The good news is that Bill Suick is probably dead, or about 90
years old. He was actually an Uncle of one of our Hastings Graduates.
Although, she would never tell anyone and had a different last name. Dickie
Sawyer probably can't afford to live in Hastings and is not listed as a sex
offender. Dickie was a bully and was harmless without Bill Suick telling him
what to do for him. Teddy Johnsberry died from a drug overdose over ten
years ago. Bottom line, there are no listed sex offenders in the town of
Hastings. Charles Holmes is listed in another state and could be in jail.
Depending on if he is listed as a sex offender. So Hastings is relatively
safe and I use that word loosely because a lot of these offenses are not
even reported.
My town has four listed. Luckily CT, shows a picture of the sex offender
along with their addresses, unlike NY.
RE: Chat on our list server. I love it, Hastings graduates have come
Have a great week!
-------------------- 77 --------------------
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 22:15:01 -0500
From: "Joanne" <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
Subject: read it and weep
The Gasoline Follies
March 28, 2006; Page A20
Gasoline prices are rising again, and this time Iraq or hurricanes aren't to blame. Congress's energy policy mistakes are finally catching up with it, and American drivers are paying for the bungles.
The average U.S. retail pump price for gasoline has been hovering around $2.50 a gallon the past few weeks; prices are now at their highest since last October -- or back when the country was dealing with Katrina. The federal Energy Information Administration (EIA) has warned this may only be the beginning, and parts of the country could see pump prices well over $3 a gallon going into summer. Happy Memorial Day.
Drivers can send their thank-you notes to Capitol Hill, which created the conditions for this mess last summer with its latest energy bill. That legislation contained a sop to Midwest corn farmers in the form of a huge new ethanol mandate that began this year and requires drivers to consume 7.5 billion gallons a year by 2012. At the same time, Congress refused to include liability protection for producers of MTBE, a rival oxygen fuel-additive that has become a tort lawyer target. So MTBE makers are pulling out, ethanol makers can't make up the difference quickly enough, and gas supplies are getting squeezed.
It didn't take an economics degree to see this coming. The MTBE industry's defense
in the many lawsuits claiming its product has contaminated water supplies is
that since 1990 the government has required use of oxygenates like MTBE. But
with that requirement expiring in May, producers and refiners will face far
greater liability, which has set off a race to exit the market. Valero, one
of the largest manufacturers, has already announced plans to phase out production.
Even the pipeline operators that carry MTBE to high-use areas in the Northeast
are backing away.
This abrupt cut-off of a product that makes up some 1.4% of the nation's fuel supply -- and far greater percentages in some places -- is certain to wreak price havoc. According to a February EIA report, ethanol production is already running near its capacity of 283,000 barrels a day. Yet "about 130,000 barrels per day of additional ethanol may be needed to replace the MTBE currently used" in gas.
Even Bob Dinneen, head of the Renewable Fuels Association and promoter-in-chief of all things ethanol, is admitting his industry can't make up the shortfall. "We're adding as much [production capacity] as we can, as fast as we can. But I don't think anybody anticipated refiners would be hemorrhaging MTBE as quickly as they are," he said recently. We're not sure what corn farm Mr. Dinneen has been living on, but MTBE producers have been warning Congress for years that this is precisely what would happen if it failed to offer the industry legal protection.
The bigger question is whether all this newly mandated ethanol -- the subsidized profits of which are funneled to Midwest farmers and agribusiness giants like ADM -- will even make it to its destinations. Unlike MTBE, ethanol can't be shipped ready-made through pipes. Instead it must be trucked or carried by rail from the Midwest to terminals near its ultimate selling point, where it then must be blended with a special unfinished fuel that is shipped separately through pipelines.
This is creating a logistical nightmare, forcing refiners to add blending facilities at their terminals, convert tanks to hold ethanol, and switch over retail outlets. To give a sense of this experiment, consider that only about one-third of all reformulated gas used on the East Coast is currently blended at terminals; the rest is produced or delivered as finished product. That now must change, in a matter of months, and at a time when refiners face a blizzard of separate new regulations. An ultra-low sulfur diesel program begins June 1, another gift horse from Congress.
Imports could help, though the domestic ethanol industry has made sure those also come at a dear price. Ethanol imports are subject to a 2.5% tariff and a second duty of 54 cents a gallon. This is particularly unfortunate for Texas or East Coast residents, who'd benefit greatly if they could get their ethanol (duty free) from local ports rather than pay to have it trucked across the country.
But such economic sense would defeat the purpose of a law designed not to reduce gas prices but instead to underwrite a politically powerful ethanol industry that can't survive without giant government handouts, protectionism and the brute force of mandates. The only bright spot is that perhaps the current travails will put to rest calls that America emulate Brazil -- which sunk billions of state money into a giant ethanol infrastructure so that it could become "energy independent."
As it is, the U.S. already produces more ethanol than Brazil, and even today's four-million-gallon requirement is clearly straining the industry. Increasing ethanol use much beyond the 2012 mandate is going to require that entire states be planted with corn and sugar, or a scientific breakthrough involving biomass and grass. Meantime, prepare to pay more for gas.
This ethanol-MTBE fiasco is just the latest example of what happens when Congress holds energy markets hostage to narrow special interests. If Republicans on Capitol Hill wonder why their approval ratings stay low as gasoline prices rise this spring and summer, we suggest they look in the mirror.
-------------------- 78 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 08:44:37 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Our Yahoo Group
Yahoo! We now have a HHS group. It's called "All Things HHS" and you can get to it here:
allthingshhs is the name of the group.
the group email is allthingshhs@yahoo.com
Most of you don't want email telling you there's a new message clogging up your own email accounts. So when you get to the group, you can turn off this "notify me" feature.
Anyone can upload photos. Please create a new folder (you'll see the option to do that) and name it your name, or some generic name that would cover a category of pictures (like, "HHS Dances) so that other people can contribute similarly-themed pictures.
For now, I'm the sole administrator, so I'll do what I can to keep spam down (we'll get plenty of it--Yahoo doesn't do a very good job screening out spam from message groups). I'll accept offers from others to monitor the messages for spam and offensive material. By the way, I made it "unlisted" in the Yahoo groups section, and only members can post (keeps the spam WAAYYY down) and in order to join you have to request the administrator(s)'s(') permission (that'd be me, for now).
For safety's sake, the moderator(s) are the only ones who can promote the group. If there's someone you know of from HHS (or like-minded non-HHS individual) give me their email address and tell me who they are, how they relate to HHS, etc.
Obviously, this group is open to any year--even current HHS students, technically (although I'll be very selective in adding current students, only on strong recommendation from a few group members). It's also open to non-HHS people, but again, recommendations must be very strong for me to allow them in.
I think there's also a chat room available to us--look for "chat" on the left-hand-side menu. You'll have to install the Yahoo chat program, but that takes no effort on your part--the first time you click on "chat" a window will pop up. Click "install" and in about 10-20 seconds the chat room will open up. That's it--you won't have to install it again. The program is on your computer.
I believe you have to create a Yahoo account to access the group? If so, it's very easy to do. It'll take a few minutes, but don't feel like you have to fill out the whole public profile screen. Then you'll add allthingshhs to your groups and you'll be able to get at it quite easily from there.
Just go to yahoo.com and go through the motions. You'll end up with a "my Yahoo" page, which you can edit a lot, and then you'll be good to go.
If you'd like to join now, just send an "I'd like to join" message through this email forum here (you can just hit "reply" to this message) and I'll email you an invitation.
Hope you all have fun! See you in our group.
-------------------- 79 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 8:50:08 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: Re: Our Yahoo Group
Hey, Greg,
This is great. If I understand correctly, this is an alternate forum for Hastings Alumni to discuss things other than their experiences at Hastings. If that is so, why would you be requesting pictures, especially pictures of say, "Hastings Dances?" Shouldn't these be part of the massive collection we already have going?
I would like to request that you, Greg, as the administrator of this new endeavor, make sure all things appropriate for archiving on our class site are sent there.
I see you are going through the same birthing pains I experienced getting our current email forum going, so good luck.
-------------------- 80 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:24:17 EST
From: Yasd@aol.com
Subject: Re: Our Yahoo Group
Hey ,
I like to be a part of this....thanks Amy A
But being technically challenged what do I do?
-------------------- 81 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:58:35 -0800
From: "lfrancis" <louise.francis@comcast.net>
Subject: I'd like to join
Greg -- can you send me a "join in" link? Thanks. -Louise
-------------------- 82 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:04:46 -0500
From: Laurel Parker <lkp5@cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
Me, too!
-------------------- 83 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 17:16:50 +0000
From: psinatra@comcast.net (Patricia Sinatra)
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
Please send me the link, although I am quite lazy about these things.....
-------------------- 84 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 17:55:55 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Our Yahoo Group
Hey, Alan
I think the idea for this group will be to delve deeper into the more detailed discussions we've been having here lately. While some of them are Hastings related, I'm very conscious of NOT duplicating what this email list does! In fact, if it gets to where people are discussing things we've traditionally discussed here, I'll simply forward that to you for inclusion here, with a note that explains why I thought it should go here rather than in our group.
The Yahoo group's sole raisin delta (pardon my French) is to return this email group to its intended purpose--that is, for all of us to exchange greetings and news and such. That seemed like the major complaint of the people who left our happy flcok here, and by starting the Yahoo group we're hoping that those stray sheep will return to us. Got my fingers crossed, anyway.
Yeah, the email thing is a bit of work, but I have nothing if not time (Spring Break coming up next week).
-------------------- 85 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 14:15:26 -0500
From: "Joanne" <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
Yes it would be fun to join, but may really log on.
-------------------- 86 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 19:13:22 -0500
From: <afine@art-cetera.com>
Subject: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Please visit the site and help us identify who's who.
-------------------- 87 --------------------
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 19:56:13 -0400
From: "Joanne" <hackenburg2003@verizon.net>
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
-------------------- 88 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 21:21:51 EST
From: JEBWILK@aol.com
Subject: Re: Our Yahoo Group
Me too, please.
-------------------- 89 --------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:09:13 -0600
From: Lucy Riggs <orymay@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: Our Yahoo Group
I'd like to join"
Dave R.
-------------------- 90 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 07:10:25 -0500
From: valcivitanogill@optonline.net
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
I'd like to join.
-------------------- 91 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 07:08:42 -0500
From: valcivitanogill@optonline.net
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
I too would also like to join. I also need the link.
-------------------- 92 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 07:31:12 EST
From: Lotsoffish@aol.com
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
me too.. me tooo!..i want in!....i am the ultimate computer idiot...so go
easy on me greg....cappy
-------------------- 93 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 09:14:01 -0500
From: "Sandra Reynolds" <rid24642@ride.ri.net>
Subject: Re: Our Yahoo Group
Please send the link too Thanks, Sandra
-------------------- 94 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:59:18 -0500
From: stephanie1759@optonline.net
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
Please send the link.
Take care,
-------------------- 95 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:33:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Alison Rempel <cmfuzz-alison@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Great picture from Ann
Front left is Robin Smith;
Back right is Joan Kapfer, I think, although it could be Holly Young
Rita Chang is also in the back
-------------------- 96 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 15:09:25 -0500
From: stephanie1759@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Front left is Glen Martin
Take care,
-------------------- 97 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 20:19:27 +0000
From: dave.walters@comcast.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Yeah, Rickey Smith in back, for sure, absolutely Rita Chang, looks like Wicky Rudd. And Ann, the first girl I ever kissed!!!!!!!!!!!! (spin the bottle).
I have to say, these simply the most wonderful candid photos I've ever seen on the site (all the other ones were great too!). There is something about capturing the essense of the '70s that makes this pictures so wonderful and nostaligic. Could be Greg's long hair (doesn't he look like a lion?). Or the pictures of Barry Simons on his knees with that look on his face, Heidi and Yasmine? They are amazing. I always thing about going back in time, correcting errors, fixing things. I think the simplest thing I could do if I could go back would be to take so many more pictures. Truly, the best, thanks Ann.
David Walters
-------------------- 98 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 15:25:08 -0500
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Second to last photo. I'm on the left and Corey Shaff is on the right.
I have no idea who the babe is.
Jim K
-------------------- 99 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 14:02:54 -0600
From: "Lori Hearon" <LHEARON@austin.rr.com>
Subject: Re: I'd like to join
Greg, please add my name to the group.
Lori Heady
-------------------- 100 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 15:49:31 -0500
From: "Barry Symonds" <BarryHome@rochester.rr.com>
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Thanks for noticing that picture of me, Dave. I look like I was 12.
Anyway, I recognize several of the women on the third picture:
Lynn Marquard (I could never forget her) on the bottom right. Behind her is
Sue Serafin. I also see Sue Stein (Kublock), Hiedi Ripberger (I think), and
I'm not sure on this one but it could be Sharon Mitchel. The next photo
down (the one with me as 12) we have Mike Seidl, Greg (of course), Lynn,
Peter Hazou, Heidi, Yasmine, Cynthia Matzura and Anne. I can't place the
person on the far right. Anyone?
-------------------- 101 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 13:14:43 -0800 (PST)
From: jan sidebotham <sidebothamj@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
so NOT Wicky Rudd in any of those pictures. . . In the first one, the girl
with the guitar is Joan Chadwick (I think that's the name... class of '72) and
I think some of those other people were not HHS people. I'm going to guess that
the babe (with the beautiful smile) with Jim and Corey is Kate Hopkins. . .
Pretty sure Sandy Percopo is in one of those pictures.
Thanks, Ann.
-------------------- 102 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 22:29:25 +0000
From: psinatra@comcast.net (Patricia Sinatra)
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
The pic with Rita Chang:
Looks like Christine Smith's older sister to her left and Ramona Grey (class of '72) on the right. Would like to know who the guy is next tor Rita (;-)--similar to Wicky but it's not him.
Could be Jessica Nugent with Corey and Jim? And Greg is certainly quite animated in these pho tos.....and the girl in the pic with Glenn--used to be Mike Kozell's girfriend...(Rick Wester...help me out.)
-------------------- 103 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 17:33:35 EST
From: NYCFD1@aol.com
Subject: (no subject)
last picture---
couldn't be brian gunther could it?
-------------------- 104 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:14:20 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Back right is my sister, Joan, and Robin Smith (Chris' older sister) is front left.
-------------------- 105 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:15:37 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
It is indeed Glen, and next to him Sue Meyers (Joey Meyers sister) and Jane Young!
-------------------- 106 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:22:51 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Hi Jan! The girl with the guitar is Joan Chanwick (had younger sister Mary
Liz, I think we were in the same Brownie Troop together with her, weren't we?
Wish Rudd is not an the picture, unfortunatley. And the smiling girl is Martha
Glad you enjoyed!
-------------------- 107 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:24:11 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Pat, actually Rita's picture included three professional models that Mr. Chanwick found (the three that no one recognized).
-------------------- 108 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:13:07 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Guys, guys-that's Martha Thompson!
-------------------- 109 --------------------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:26:08 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Nope, the fourth guy in isn't from Hastings (someone I worked with) and the girl was my ex-husbands sister, dating all the way back to before the fall of the DeDona dynasty!
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Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:30:57 -0500
From: faheyfam@optonline.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
Hi Dave-how are you? It's not Rickey Smith in the picture in the back, that fellow is one of Mr. Chanwick's professional models. And Oh My God, you remember that summer with the spin the bottle parties?! I remember telling my mother about it and she said "honestly, Anne, that's how girls get reputations!" Shows how times have changed!
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Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 16:50:19 -0500
From: Jim Katzenstein <jimk@starkaywhite.com>
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
On closer examination I would bet she is your old neighbor Loretta DeDonna .
Jim K
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Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:04:15 +0000
From: dmcquickly@comcast.net
Subject: Re: New Pictures from Ann Kapfer Fahey!
>>personal aside for an inside joke<< "old" neighbor? lol Some pennies you can't get rid of. :-)
Anyway, Anne, great work, those really do bring back memories. I took a few pictures in those days, I'll have to scare them up and add them, although they won't contribute anything your wonderfully nostalgic pictures haven't already. I'll say one thing: We were all cute.