Posted by Greg Vaughn on May 29, 19100 at 02:25:51:
In Reply to: Heather Schmeltz posted by Jan Sidebotham on April 13, 19100 at 15:55:58:
...moved to Manilla (Phillippeans, not the file folder) the year after I got to Hastings. She left an indelible impression on me...(I am about to admit this without a drop of alcohol in my system, I swear, and I hope none of you thinks the less of me for it).
Some of you may recall a certain debate taking place in art class during her last year. (As I recall, the art teacher had the hormones of most of us boys racing anyway.) Being brand new to the school and hoping to be accepted by all of you whom I admired and respected so much (what was I thinking?), I accepted shall I phrase this...touchy challenge to put this delicate question to rest once and for all. Not that I am proud of the deed, mind you. But I was trying to, er, pad my resume, so to speak, with you all, and after all, we were in 8th grade and didn't know about being gentlemen.
So it devastates me that someone remembered exactly how to spell her last name. Happily, I live in the comfortable belief that she found an incredibly rich, handsome, loving man to marry, has several marvelous children, and a life all of us would envy...And so, unlike Olberman, were a miracle of investigation to occur, and someone actually FOUND her, she would still see absolutely no reason to revisit school pals she left behind many years ago. Thus saving me the embarrassment of being confronted with what all the boys in that art class should rightfully accept equal responsibility for. (But I know you all won't! lol) I hate all of you. lol No, just kidding.