This will take some time and is clearly a long term project for us.

There are no clear rows to help identify people. Until we can come up with a legend and a numbering system, below are quotes from emails on the subject.

Eric Stern '73, Nancy Jelinek '74, Kathy Sachar '73, Susie Baker '73 (Brian Baker's sister),
Georgia Brillis '73, Tom Fischer '73, Jennifer ________ (Barnes?) '76.

Eric Stern's the guy with the ski hat.

Barry Gonder in the top row next to Peter Hazou, but not Jeff Feinstein.

Dave Heston below and stage right of Barry Gonder.

That is Dan "The Flash" Lessing ('76) with the 'fro standing up in the back stage

Mike Schmais is the person furthest right.

An Explanation From Jan: "Hi All... Over the last few months, I've been reorganizing (overhauling) my personal life, and in the course of going through old stuff, I found this photo, that I've been meaning -- since the 30th reunion -- to get to Alan to put on the website... It's a photo of the conservation club in the fall of (I think) 1973, when we were in tenth grade. A bunch of us went up to Elmira, NY, after a bad flood to canvass neighborhoods on behalf of some organization to see who needed help... It's like something out of central casting for a 1970's movie -- by Will Ferrell, I'm afraid. Anyway, can you find: Peter Andrews, Jane Gaughran, the lovely Louise, Corey Shaff, Robbie Carlson, Peter Hazou, Jeffrey Feinstein, Michael Schmais, David Heston, Barbara Harnack, Cindy Barr, Emily Singer...? Hey Virrill, how come you weren't there? Didn't you want to help the flood victims?"

Some emails on the subject:

Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 21:48:46 -0500
From: "Earle MacHardy" <>
Subject: Re: Photo commentary -- check the website: June 22, 1972

That's me next to Nat...he died when we were in 11th grade. In this picture
we are only in 9th grade. We canvassed the neighborhood and also saw
Lysistrata at the local college on the night we got there. We slept in the
church in a big meeting hall. I remember being very tired during that trip;
I think we talked more than slept.

From: Bob Rittner <>
Date: 2006/12/04 Mon AM 08:51:06 EST
To: Alan Fine <>
Subject: Elmira trip

Sadly, my memory is unreliable. It is possible that
we were in a church, although my wife also remembers
it as a college gynnasium. She says that she was in a
dorm, not a rooming house. Apparently college was not
in session when we were there. Bernadette was there
because the school required another adult chaperone to
accompany us. I do not recall that she did any
chaperoning, except for Alan and Jennifer.
The curly haired boy 4th from the left as you look
at the picture in the top row is Tom Fischer while I
am quite sure the girl to the far right in the bottom
row is Laura MacEachron. Both were upper classmen that
year, not freshmen as you were. Judy Francis, of
course, is in the front row handing the boxes of
surveys to the Elmira professor. Is the boy in the top
row third from the right Barry Gonder? And is the boy
to the right of Bob Tucker (looking at the picture)
named MacHardy? (I cannot remember a first name.
Earl?) I think you have identified most of the people
in your class. (Did you pick out Peter Andrews? Is
that him in the second row slightly to the right of
Bob Tucker?)
You really were/are an exceptional group of people.
What a delight it was to teach so many of you and know
so many more!
Bob Rittner