Corpse Rides NY Subway for Five Hours

NEW YORK (AP) - 6/14/99 A man got on a subway train at rush hour Monday, died, and his body rode the train for hours before passengers notified anyone about it, police said. The man, believed to be in his 40s, had no visible signs of a struggle or attack and no identification, police said. Police do not know where the man boarded the train, but believe he was dead for four to five hours. They speculate that no one noticed him because the train was so crowded and people in too much of a hurry. ``Do you know how many people sleep on the train during morning rush?'' subway rider Mario Licari said. ``Unless the guy slumps into me, I just leave him alone.'' The Transit Authority did not return a telephone call seeking comment. The man died on a train that runs from the southern tip of Manhattan to the Bronx. The body was turned over to the medical examiner to determine the cause of death.