Ryan Cowie

           Hair:   Blonde                                                       RÊVE management 
Eyes:  Blue                                                              NY 212.974.3300

Fountain of Youth          Brad Actors Theatre Workshop
Tagging April  Charlie Loewe Theatre
Carry These Children Home Son R.W. Morganthau Theatre
The A-Train Plays Soccer Player Kaye Playhouse
Human Tapestry Rick 78th Street Theatre Lab
How it Hangs Bob R.W. Morganthau Theatre
Lunchtime Man R.W. Morganthau Theatre
A Chorus Line    Paul R.W. Morganthau Theatre
Into the Woods             Milky White R.W. Morganthau Theatre
Representative Roles
Suburbia    Jeff Neighborhood Playhouse
Bent Max Neighborhood Playhouse
True West  Austin Neighborhood Playhouse
The Boys Next Door   Norman Neighborhood Playhouse
Affirmation Purse Snatcher Dir...Jose Element
The Neighborhood Playhouse, New York
Acting Richard Pinter, Ron Stetson, Gary Kingston,
Film/TV Training    C.C Courtney, Alyssa Bennett, Gary Bennett, Chris Lutkin
Voice/Speech  Gary Ramsey, Kathleen Kelly Alexander
Technique Jane Kosminsky
Music Ron Shetler
Ballet,Modern,Jazz Barbara Cole, David Chase, Gary Gendell
Competitive Ice Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Skiing, Rugby, Football, Surfing, Climbing, Scuba Diving, and Computers. NYC Bicycle Taxi Driver. Dialects: Scottish, English, Irish, and a little Australian.